Activate Advanced. Unit 8. Education & Learning Vocabulary. Flashcards
A class given by a professor in a university
Lecture (n.) - conferencia, ponencia, charla
A method of studying in which lectures are broadcast online
Distance learning (n.)
Someone who prioritises study over other interests (informal)
Swot (n.) - empollón
To organize or be responsible for an event
Hold an event (coll.)
To distribute something, such as papers or worsheets, to everyone in the classroom
Hand out (ph. v.) - repartir
To memorize something
Learn (off) by heart (idiom)
Someone who needs to see information in order to learn it
Visual learner (n.)
Someone who needs to hear information in order to learn it
Auditory learner (n.)
Someone who needs to do practical activities in order to learn it
Kinaesthetic learner (n.)
Someone who acquires knowledge best through the spoken word
Verbal learner (n.)
Alone; without companions
Solitary (adj.)
The highest degree awarded by a graduate school in a field of academic study; a doctorate
PhD (n.)
To study for an examination by trying to memorize facts at the last minute
Cram (v.) - empollar
A citation in a text which is used to acknowlege the work or ideas or others
Reference (n.)
A specialised teacher at a college or university
Tutor (n.)
An organized schedule outlining study times and learning goals
Study planner (n.)
A book or computer file containing information about how to do or use something
Training manual (n.)
A long essay written by a candidate for a PhD and based on original research
Thesis (n.) /zisis/
The person responsible for overseeing the curriculum in a school or university
Head of studies (n.) - jefe de estudios
An essay written by a candidate for a bachelor’s degree which is based on original research
Dissertation (n.) - Trabajo Fin de carrera
An essay or project written by a student as part of the assessment of their learning
Assignment (n.) - trabajo
The successful completion of a degree for which you receive a qualification
Graduation (n.)
A degree given to a student by a college or university, usually after four years of study
Bachelor’s degree (n.) - licenciatura
The head of a university faculty or department
Dean (n.) - decno /di:n/
A meeting in which people engage in intensive discussion and activity on a particular subject
Workshop (n.) - taller de trabajo
A puzzle into which words crossing vertically and horizontally are written based on clues
Crossword (n.)