Activate Advanced. Unit 5. Animals & Nature Vocabulary. Flashcards
An animal that naturally hunts and eats other species
Predator (n.) - /’Predete/
An animal that is naturally killed and eaten by other species
Prey (n.) - Presa (Prei)
A farm on which animals are kept indoors to maximize production
Factory farming (coll.)
A sport involving the huntint, wounding, or killing animals
Blood sports (pl. n.)
A species whose numbers are so small that the species is at risk of extinction
Endangered (adj.) - en peligro de extinción /in’deinyed/
The illegar hunting or killing of wildlife in their habitats
Poaching (n.) - caza furtiva /’pouchin/
Animals that live naturally in an area
Wildlife (n.)
The foot of an animal with claws, particularly cats and dogs
Paw (n.) - pata
A strucure made by a bird (usually in a tree) for laying eggs and sheltering its young
Nest (n.) - Nido
The hard mouth of a bird
Beak (n.) - Pico
The part of a fish that is used to propel it along when swimming
Fin (n.) - aleta
The hair on an animal’s body
Fur (n.) - piel, pelaje
The low land between hills or mountains
Valley (n.) - valle
High, steep rocks next to the sea
Cliff (n.) - acantilado
A place where there is too much vegetation
Overgrown (adj.) - cubierto de vegetación
Each of the coloured parts of a flower head
Petal (n.) - pétalo
A large, open field of grass
Meadow (n.) - prado, pradera /’medou/
The very top of a mountain
Peak (n.) - pico
Characterized by docile and obedient behaviour and friendliness towards humans
Tame (v.) (adj.) - domar, domesticado
A small, dense tree with many branches that is often planted in gardens
Bush (n.) - arbusto
The land next to the sea
Coast (n.)
A dense forest, rich in diversity, typically found in tropical areas with heavy rainfall
Rainforest (n.) - selva tropical
Balls of frozen ice that fall from the sky like rain
Hailstones (pl. n.) - granizo
A mixture of rain and snow
Sleet (n.) - aguanieve
A period of severe lack of rain leading to devastation
Drought (n.) - sequía /draut/
A period of abnormally high temperatures
Heatwave (n.) - ola de calor
(of the sky or weather) marked by a covering of grey cloud; dull
Overcast (adj.) - nublado
(of the weather) unpleasantly warm and humid, typically on a cloudy day
Muggy (adj.) - húmedo