Activate Advanced. Unit 2. Crime & Justice Vocabulary. Flashcards
The crime of stealing things from houses
Burglary (n.) - Robo
The act of stealing
Robbery (n.) - Robo
A group of people, often criminals
Gang (n.) - Banda, pandilla
The act of stealing from a shop
Shoplifting (n.) - Hurto
The release of a captive by paying a sum of money to the kidnappers
Ransom (v.) (n.) - Rescate
12 citizens who give their verdict (guilty/not guilty) in a court of law
Jury (n.) - Jurado
Abducting someone and holding them captive
Kidnapping (n.) - Secuestro
Stealing from a person’s bag or pockets without their knowing
Pickpocketing (n.) - Hurto
Something that discourages someone from doing something
Deterrent (n.) - Disuasión, disuasorio
A physical attack on a person
Assault (v.) (n.) - Agresión
The act of deliberately setting fire to property
Arson (n.) - Incendio provocado
A weapon, such as a rifle, from which a projectile is fired by gunpowder
Firearm (n.) - Arma de fuego
Products that have been imported or exported illegally
Contraband (n.) - Contrabando
The crime of faking and copying documents fraudulently
Forgery (n.) - Falsificación
A guard in a jail/prison
Prison officer (n.) - Funcionario de prisiones