Activate Advanced. Unit 15. Cities & Transport Vocabulary. Flashcards
(of a ticket or entrance fee) taking place at a time when demand is lower
Off-peak (adj.) (adv.)
A time during each day when traffic is at its heaviest
Rush hour (n.) - hora punta
A person who is walking the streets, rather than travelling in a vehicle
Pedestrian (n.) - peatón
A line of very slow-moving traffic, caused by roadworks, an accident, or heavy congestion
Traffic jam (n.) - atasco de tráfico
A person who travels some distance to work on a regular basis
Commuter (n.)
A penalty charge that must be paid for parking illegally
Parking fine (n.) - multa por estacionamiento
A charge payable to use a bridge or road in a town or city
Toll (n.)
Refers to lower-income neighbourhoods in the city centre
Inner-city (adj.)
The outer parts of a town or city
Outskirts (n.) - periferia
A very tall building in a city (over 100 metres high)
Skyscraper (n.)
A series of shops owned by the same company and selling the same products
Chain stores (coll)
An asphalted path for pedestrians at the side of a road (sidewalk)
Pavement (n.) - acera
A residential area close to a city
Suburb (n.)
A block of flats with many floors, often used for council housing
High-rise flat (coll.)
(of a building or area) in a poor or neglected state after having been prosperous before
Rundown (adj.)
Relatively expensive and designed to appeal to high-income consumers
Upmarket (adj.) - de alta gama
Spread out over a large area in an untidy or irregular way
Sprawling (adj.) - extenso
Useful features of a neighbourhood (e. g. pubs, schools and transport links)
Local amenities (coll.) - servicios locales
Overcrowded districts unfit for human habitation, yet still inhabited by very poor people
Slums (pl. n.) - barrios marginales
The main street of a town, and the traditional site for most shops, banks, and businesses
High street (n.)
(of an area of a town) potentially dangerous due to high crime rates
Dodgy (adj.)
(of a space) full of people, leaving little or no room for movement
Crowded (adj.)
A previously empty building that has been illegally inhabited by a group of people
Squat (n.) (v.) - okupa /escuot/
Characterised by incessant or frantic activity
Hectic (adj.) - ajetreado, agitado
The buying and renovation or houses and stores in deteriorated urban neighbourhoods by upper - or middle - income individuals
Gentrification (n.)
Excessively expensive
Pricey (adj.) - caro
(of a restaurant, shop or hotel) elegant, stylish, and expensive
Swanky (adj.) - elegante
A market, often outdoors, with a number of stalls selling old or used articles
Flea market (n.) - rastro
To make big improvements to something
Overhaul (n.) - revisión