Activate Advanced. Unit 10. Work & Career Vocabulary. Flashcards
A person who asks candidates questions in a formal job interview
Interviewer (n.)
A job that requires 35-40 hours of work per week
Full-time job (coll.)
A student or trainee (aprendiz) who works, sometimes without pay, in order to gain work experience
Intern (n.) - becario
A co-worker who is also a friend
Workmate (n.)
An additional benefit (besides money) that you’re entitled to because of your job position
Perk (n.) - beneficio adicional, ventaja
An office floor plan designed to increase face-to-face collaboration
Open-plan office (coll)
The equilibrium between personal life and work
Work-life balance (exp.)
A typical job in which you start at 9 am and finish at 5 pm Monday to Friday
9-5 job (exp.)
Anyone who manages a team to ensure that they are performing their jobs effectively
Supervisor (n.)
An unoccupied position or job that you can apply for in a business or organization
Vacancy (n.)
The act of removing someone from employment or office; sack (v.), fire (v.)
Dismissal (n.) - despido
All the people that work for the same employer
Staff (n.)
time off work due to illness, for which you are still paid
Sick leave (n.) - baja por enfermedad
Characterized by providing satisfaction; gratifying
Rewarding (adj.) - gratificante
To stop working due to old age and start living on a pension
Retire (v.) - jubilarse
(Of a task) requiring much skill or effort
Demanding (adj.) - exigente
Characterised by making you feel satisfied and happy by allowing your abilities to develop
Fulfilling (adj.) - enriquecedor, gratificante
To not perform well; stop working hard or stop putting effort into something
Slack off (ph. v.) - aflojar el ritmo
To tell your employer that you can’t go to work due to illness (whether it’s true or not)
Call in sick (exp.)
The act of working in numerous jobs as a temporary employee
Temping (n.) -
To travel to work and home again
Commute (v.) (n.) - viaje al trabajo
To voluntarily leave a job or office
Resign (v.) - dimitir, renunciar
The series of jobs that you do during your working life
Career (n.) - carrera profesional
To make somebody leave their job as there is no longer enough work for them
Make (sb) redundant (exp.) - despedir
Money you receive in compensation for being made redundant
Pay-off (n.) - pago