ACS style final Flashcards
What adds OH to mark?
(HgOAc)2, H2O, NaBH4
What does adding peroxyacids do?
O added as an epoxide (always has 2 bonds)
What does H2O, H2SO4, and HgSO4 do?
adds double bonded O
What do Br2 and CH3OH do to epoxides?
Breaks epoxide, O and CH3 anti addn on either end
How do you calculate specific rotation?
Observed rotation/(concentrationpath length) or observed/(path lengthdensity)
What undergoes homolytic cleavage?
E- go to leaving groups, electrophiles
What does Br2 and hv do?
Br added at mark- same carbon as methyl
What goes through SN1 hydrolysis?
Groups switch, retention and inversion
What is the product of SN2?
Nucleophile switched with halide
E1 products
Alkene where leaving group left, halide-, base with H+
What is the product of E2 rxns?
Leaving group leaves, most stable product formed
Base only
Nucleophile only, 1st or 2nd sub
Nucleophile only, 2nd or 3rd sub
Strong base, strong nuc, 1st sub
E2, SN2 major
Strong base, strong nuc, 2nd sub
E2 major, SN2 minor
Strong base, strong nuc, 3rd sub
Weak base, weak nuc, 1
Slow SN2 and E2
Weak base, weak nuc, 2
All, but slow
Weak base, weak nuc, 3
SN1, E1
Pi electrons
LP counts as 1, DB counts as 2
sigma bonds count as 1, LP counts as 1
Reacitve intermediate
Unlikely/unstable structure made as an intermediate
What undergoes H2 abstraction to make a radical?
Anything where there’d be a substitution reaction