ACS Flashcards
Definition of ACS
ST - segment acute coronary syndrome (STEACS) : STEMI, New on set of LBBB or STEMI in presence of LBBB
Non - ST segment acute coronary syndrome (NSTEACS) : NonSTEMI and unstable angina (UA)
Progressive disease process leading to thickening and hardening of arterial wall due to accumulation of lipid laden macrophages leading to development of plaque
Due to an inflammatory process
Both innate and adaptive immune response involved
Myocardial infarction
Myocardial cell death due to prolonged ischemia
10-15 mins - diminished glycogen stores, relaxed myofibrils and sarcolemmal disruption and mitochondria abnormalities.
Necrosis process
Bio marker detection
Cardiac trips in I and T
Elevated levels 1-3 hrs after MI may take up to 12 hrs
Remain elevated for up to 14 days
Anterior MI
Blockage in the LAD - ECG changes in V1-V4
The artery supplies the anterior septum, left ventricle and apex of heart
Myocardium becomes ischaemic
Anterior MI symptoms
Reduction in left ventricular function which can lead to: arrhythmias (VT, VF, AF, SVT)
Pts will often have severe chest pain
Inferior MI
Blockage occurs in RCA (ECG changes to II, III, AVF)
Symptoms l:
Chest pain, weakness, nausea, vomiting, hypotension, cold and diaphoretic
Inferior MI can result in..
Bradycardia and AV block
Inferior/RV MI
Inferior infarcts can involve damage to the right ventricle
Physiological findings: distended neck veins, elevated jugular venous pressure, clear lung fields
Treatment: VT/VF can occur if RCA has a large LV supply
Lateral MI
Involves leads I, aVL, V5, V6
Blockage of the left circumflex artery
Can develop cardiogenic shock if circumflex has large LV supply
Posterior MI
Usually supplied by posterior descending artery (PDA)
May observe ST depression in V1-V3 which indicates that you need to complete a posterior lead ECG (V7-V9)
Pathological Q waves
Irreversible myocardial necrosis produces pathological Q waves.
Q waves are considered pathological if
> 0.4 sec (1mm) wide
> 25% of depth of QRS complex
Consider fibrinolytics if
PCI unavailable
Pt presents within 60-120 minutes after Sx onset with an expected delay of >90min
Adjunct pharmacotherapy when administering fibrinolytics
Enoxaparin or infractioned heparin
Clopidogrel 300-600 loading dose or ticagrelor 180 or prasugrel 60mg
* PCI with in 24hts is recommended for pts who received fibrinolytics
* Rescue PCI recommended if <50% ST segement recover at 60-90 min post fibrinolytics
Additional assessment information required for MI presentation
Do we need a right sided or posterior ECG? Time of onset BGL NOK details Allergies Last oral intake PQRST assessment Medications Chest X-ray Pathology (hs trop) Ensure 2 x IVC inserted
Reperfusion contraindications
BP > 180/110 Recent trauma/surgery GIT bleed with in last 2 weeks Stroke/TIA last 12 months Prior ICH Current anticoagulation or warfarin diathesis