Acquired Immunity Pt.2 Flashcards
What happens when an macrophage is done eating?
They go through a different route, the lymphatic system & look for lymphocytes. (T cells & Bcells)
All nucleated cells have..?
The antibodies produced by B cells will be bind to..?
Free antigens only
What lymphocyte carries receptors to bind to antigens presented in MHC?
T cells
Different types of B cells are called..?
B cell clones
Once you find the correct B cell with the right anti-body…
It goes through cellular division
- it makes an army of identical clones/copies from that same antibody -“
- from that they make daughter cells called plasma cells and make memory cells apart
Clonal selection
Selecting a B cell clone that makes a complementary anti-body for an antigen to become active.
Plasma cells
Short-lived antibody secreting factories (daughter cells) that get dumped into the bloodstream
Any cell that can capture antigens and display them in MHC II is termed as…?
Antigen presenting cell
Memory cells
Some daughter cells revert/return to the original “advertising “ form
True or False; memory cells make antibodies
They are cells in a naive state
Why are antibodies so useful by coating infectious bacteria that can help decrease infectious agents?
- ) enhances phagocytosis by being able to grab onto bacteria covered with antibodies
- ) prevents attachment from
- ) by gathering pathogens and their antigens together into a clump so phagocytes can consume all in one bite
What’s the purpose of memory cells?
Is to prevent disease/infection much faster than the first time it encountered it.
Free antigen
Not displayed in a MHC case.
Maybe floating around or still attached to its pathogen
Antibodies can only bind to ..?
Free antigens
T cells have..?
Receptors for an antigen
They don’t have antibodies
Antibodies CANNOT bind to ..?
MHC I OR MHC II directly.
They need T cells for that