Acid-fast Bacilli, Spirochetes, Parasitic Bacteria Flashcards
M. tuberculosis vs. M. canetti
M. tuberculosis: rough colonies
M. canetti: smooth colonies
M. tuberculosis vs. M. bovis
M. tuberculosis: resistant to TCH
M. bovis: susceptible to TCH or T2H
How long does mycobacteria take to grow?
2-60 days (pathogenic are slow growers)
Mycobacteria characteristics
Non-spore forming (except M. marinum)
Intracellular pathogens
Slow growing
Acid-fast cell wall
Habitat of NTM
Environmental (water, soil)
Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex species
M. tuberculosis
M. bovis
M. africanum
M. caprae
M. pinnipedii
M. microti
M. canetti
Tests for M. tuberculosis
PPD (Purified Protein Derivative) - detects exposure or infection
Quantiferon test for latent TB - release interferon gamma if exposed to TB because T cells have memory
M. bovis
Ingestion of infected cow milk
BCG vaccine
HIV patients more susceptible
Mtb Diseases
Pott TB (bent spine)
Miliary TB
goes to various parts of the body
Can form granuloma
Runyon classification of Nontuberculosis Mycobacteria
Group I: photochromogens (colonies pigmented in light - yellow orange colonies)
Group II: scotochromogens (colonies pigmented in light or dark)
Group III: nonphotochromagens (no pigment)
Group IV: rapid growers (non pigmented to yellow/buff colonies)
Which is the only non cultivable organism?
Mycobacterium leprae
Photochromogens species
M. kansasii (nitrate +)
M. asiaticum
M. marinum
M. simiae
M. intermedium
M. novocastrense
M. kansasii
Dark red crystal forms when exposed to light (beta carotene)
Wants to be tb
Lung disease
M. marinum
Fish disease
Swimming pool granulomas, red blue nodules on hand
Spore forming
M. simiae, M. asiaticum, M. marinum, vs M. kansasii
SQ catalase, tween, nitrate
SAMK (simiae, asia, marine, kansas)
+- -
- - - (30*C)
Scotochromogens species and differentiating factors
M. szulgai - nitrate and tween (+)
M. scrofulaceum - urease +, tween (-)
M. gordonae - urease and nitrate (-), tween (+) - present in TAP WATER
Produce no pigment in light or dark
M. avium complex
M. xenopi (grows at 42-45C)
M. ulcerans (grows at 30C)
M. haemophilum (requires hemin)