Acellular Pathogens Flashcards
Who postulated that rabies was caused by a virus?
Louis Pasteur
What did Ivanovski and Beijerinck find?
That a disease in tobacco was caused by a virus
noncellular particles with a definite size, shape, and chemical composition
Characteristics of Viruses
-Infectious, acellular pathogens
-Obligate intracellular parasites with host and cell-type specificity
-DNA or RNA genome (never both)
-Genome surrounded by a protein capsid
Host range
The range of host species and cell types a virus can infect
Viruses that infect bacteria
An animal that transmits a pathogen from one host to another
Viruses can be transmitted through…
direct contact, indirect contact with fomites, or through a vector
Mechanical vectors
When the arthropod carries a viral pathogen on the outside of its body and transmits it to a new host by physical contact
Biological vectors
When the arthropod carries the viral pathogen inside its body and transmits it to a new host through biting
-Protein coat that encloses and protects the nucleic acid of the virus
-Made up of capsomers
-All viruses have them
Identical protein subunits which make up facets of the capsid
Viral Envelope
-An external covering around the virus (including around the capsid)
-Most animal viruses
-Acquired when the virus leaves the host cell
-Spikes (exposed proteins on the outside of the envelope) help with attach of the virus to the host cell
Naked virus
Lacks an envelope
Helical virus
Continuous helix of capsomers forming a cylindrical nucleocapsid
Polyhedral or Icosahedral capsid
A three dimensional, 20-sided structure with 12 ventricles
What are the functions of the Capsid/Envelope?
-Protects the nucleic acid when the virus is outside the host cell
-Helps the virus bind to a cell surface and assists the penetration of the viral DNA or RNA into a suitable host cell
Why are poxviruses complex/atypical?
They lack a typical capsid and are covered by a dense layer of lipoproteins
Viral genome
-Either DNA or RNA but never both
-The number of genes varies for each type of virus
-Carries genes necessary to invade host cell and redirect cell’s activity to make new viruses
What are the main criteria presently used to classify viruses?
-Viral genetics
-Mechanism of multiplication
Family name of a virus ends in
Genus name of a virus ends in
DNA viruses
-Usually double-stranded but may be single-stranded
-Circular or linear
RNA viruses
-Usually single-stranded
-May be double-stranded
-May be segmented into separate RNA pieces
-Positive sense or negative sense