Academics ER Review Flashcards
What does FAA NOTAMS Distribution System cover?
All Civilian airfields and the FDC’s
What are National Flight Data Center (FDC) NOTAMS
Regulatory NOTAMS that apply to all aircraft that apply to all aircraft and include important information such as special FAA regulations etc.
What airfields does DINS cover
All military and many (but not all) civilian airfields
What are Flight Safety NOTAMS
Important information that may affect flight operations or use of the airfield (such as runway/aerodome closures etc)
When do you create an ASRR(Airfield Suitability Restrictions Report)
When planning Missions to unfamiliar airfield
Q Code
Online must be accessed through a .mil computer system
What does ASRR stand for?
Airfield Suitability and Restrictions Report
When flying under IFR and not on a federal airway, how low can you descend?
Down to the OROCA or ORTCA
When flying under IFR on a federal airway, how low can you descend?
Down to the MEA, MRA, MCA, or MOCA
NAVAID service volumes:
T Class
25 NM up to 12,000’
NAVAID service volumes:
L Class
40 NM up to FL180
NAVAID service volumes:
H Class
130 NM between FL180 and FL450
Can you take off without a flight plan?
Yes, but you must file your plan as soon as possible while airborne
Who do you work with to file a civilian flight plan?
Who do you work with to file a military flight plan?
Base Ops
Where does AHAS bird advisory get its data?
Where does BAM bird advisory get its data?
historical reports
If you need to make a change to your flight plan during flight, where can you find guidance to show you how?
The format is on the inside back cover of the IFR/VFR supp.s
What does DINS stand for?
Defense Internet NOTAM distribution System
What is the amount of sky coverage when the sky condition is defined as VV?
Indefinite ceiling
What is the amount of sky coverage when the sky condition is defined as OVC?
Full coverage
What is the amount of sky coverage when the sky condition is defined as BKN?
5/8 - 7/8 coverage
What is the amount of sky coverage when the sky condition is defined as SCT?
3/8 - 4/8 coverage
What is the amount of sky coverage when the sky condition is defined as FEW?
1/8 - 2/8
What is the amount of sky coverage when the sky condition is defined as SKC?
Sky clear
What is your priority order for obtaining a weather brief?
a. locally approved mission execution forecasts
b. local military Wx unit
c. Servicing AF Operational Wx Squadron
d. Another military Wx unit
e. FAA Wx forecast or flight Wx briefer
f. Nearest FSS
Climb profiles:
Define range climb
minimum climb range and fuel are not required - 250 knots
Climb Profiles:
Define rate climb
minimize the time n the climb to the cruise altitude - 220 knots
Performance ceilings:
Define service ceilings
highest altitude at which the maximum rate of climb of 100 fpm is still achieved - 41,000 ft MSL
Performance ceilings:
Define cruise ceilings
best initial cruise performance for a specified temperature and aircraft gross weight - 300 fpm
Performance ceilings:
Define combat ceilings
maximum ceiling at which adequate maneuvering capability exists - 500 fpm
Define best endurance
speed to fly to minimize fuel flow in level flight
Define maximum range
maximizes the nautical air miles the aircraft can travel for every pound of fuel
Define Long range
speed that provides 99% of maximum range
Define specific range
nautical air miles per pound of fuel
Define Best Endurance
Loiter time available at the best airspeed for a specific loiter altitude and gross weight
Define Max Endurance
Loiter time available at the optimum combination of altitude and airspeed
Descent Profiles - Penetration
Airspeed: ___
Configuration: ___
180 KIAS
Idle/Speed brakes and gear extended
Descent Profiles - Rapid
Airspeed: ___
Configuration: ___
330 KIAS
Idle/Speed brakes extended
Descent Profiles - Enroute
Airspeed: ___
Configuration: ___
250 KIAS
Idle/Speed brakes extended
Descent Profiles - Max Range
Airspeed: ___
Configuration: ___
230 KIAS
Name 3 common errors in NAVAID fixing
EHSI interpolation error
ground range vs slant range
Name 3 disadvantages to fixing off a NAVAID
Magnetic to True conversion
plotting errors
no stations over water
Name 3 advantages to fixing off a NAVAID
Widespread coverage
How does the ACO differ from the ACP?
The ACP is a broader plan on how to use the airspace and lists all designated airspace within the theater
Define ACO
Airspace Controlling Order
daily publication that lists the airspace that can and/or is used during a particular 24 hour ATO period
Define ATO
the directive that officially tasks airpower in support of a JFC’s campaign
How long is an ATO?
24 hours
How long is an Air Tasking Cycle?
72 hours
Define JAOP
guide the employment of air capabilities and forces to accomplish the objectives assigned by the JFC
Name 4 ways to detect weather
How does the 60-to-1 rule for avoiding weather work?
A 10 degree turn for 60NM will detour you 10NM.
A 20 degree turn for 60NM will detour you 20NM
A 20 degree turn for 30NM will detour you 10NM
A 40 degree turn for 30NM will detour you 20NM
Name two methods of deviating around weather
flying disk
What is the Thunderstorm Avoidance guidance given by AFI 11-2T-1v3?
Directs aircrews to utilize all means necessary to avoid thunderstorms by 20NM at or above FL230 and 10NM below FL230
What is the Thunderstorm Avoidance guidance given by AFH 11-203v1?
Recommends that all aircraft avoid flying into thunderstorms
Define spot size error
distorts the return on both range and azimuth, presenting the same magnitude of error all around the target
Define Pulse length error
adds to trailing edge of return, far side only
Define Beamwidth error
adds width to the return, azimuth only. Two objects can appear to be joined together
Name 3 inherent scope errors
Beamwidth error
pulse length error
spot size error
Define Arctic Reversal
land (snow) looks like water and water (ice) looks like land
Define Cardinal Point effect
when the radar beam scans surfaces at perpendicular angles, the return is brighter than surfaces that are turned away, all other aspects being equal
Define Glitter
the brightening of a return due to a momentarily high signal potential
Name 3 Radar Special Effects
Cardinal Point effect
Arctic Reversal
Use low gain settings for
Topographical/cultural returns
Use medium gain settings for
differentiate a major cultural return (like a city) from the surrounding terrain
Use high gain settings for
land/water contrast
Appearance of returns on scope and tuning:
Cities ___
Runways ___
Lakes ___
No show
No show
Define Beamwidth Occupancy
Two identical objects at different ranges occupy different amounts of the beam of energy
Define Attenuation
dispersal of radar energy
Range effects the radarscope due to two effects: ___ and ___
Beamwidth occupancy
Name three factors effecting radarscope presentation
Target size
Surface material
Target shape/angle of reflection
How do you change your True Heading to True Bearing?
RuB + THe = TuB
Relative Bearing, plus True Heading, equals True Bearing
In REL mode, the radar display is oriented to ___ and the bearing pointer gives ___
Aircraft True Heading
Aircraft True Heading
How do you change magnetic north or magnetic headings to true?
Apply magnetic variation
“East is Least and West is Best, when going from True to Mag” “Mag to True, Undo”
In N-1 mode, the radar display is oriented to ___ and the bearing pointer gives ___
magnetic north
magnetic heading
In INS mode, the radar display is oriented to ___ and the bearing pointer gives ___
true north
true heading
Use DD Form ___ for international flights
DD Form 1801
Use DD Form ___ for flights w/in the conterminous US and for flights to Canada
DD Form 175
AFI 11-2T-1 dictates the minimum fuel is ___ pounds
AFI 11-202v3 requires pilots to carry enough reserve fuel to increase their total planned flight time by ___ (up to a maximum of ___) or ___, whichever is greater
45 min
20 min
What is NTAP?
Notices To Airmen Publication
What is FLIP?
Flight Information Publications
How are Series “D” NOTAMS distributed and what do they cover?
NOTAMS that are distant or Nationwide, Widely disseminated.
Notices to Airmen Publication(NTAP)
Contains FDC and selected D-type NOTAMS expected to remain in effect for extended period of time
Must Review of the FLIP be part of your preflight mission planning?
What must be checked for IFR arrival
IFR- check to see if there is a published STAR into the terminal area
What is a Contact Approach
Navigate to a straight in final using visual reference to the ground
VFR Arrivals procedures
Air Force standard left hand turns
45 degrees to downwind
Cleared for initial = intercept 3-5 miles
What is the purpose of VFR arrivals?
VFR- used to expedite traffic flow
maintain IFR clearance and proceed visually and clear of clouds to the airport for a straight in final
Departure Planning: what weather do you need for T/O
200 and 1/2
Lowest compatible landing mins
Low altitude en-route Charts: What are airways are shown, and where do they normally begin?
Victor airways
1200 AGL up to/not including FL180
High Altitude en-route Charts: What airways are shown, and what altitudes do they cover
Jet Routes
FL180 to FL450
What information is provided by Area Charts?
enhance coverage of certain high density terminal areas
Airspace: (VFR low area charts)
Class A: FL180 to FL600 Class B: Solid Blue Line up to 10,000 Class C: Solid Magenta Line up to 4,200 Class D: Dashed Blue Line up to 2,500 Class E: Faded Magenta Line up to but not including FL180 and then past FL600
What are three examples of Special Use Airspaces
What information do you relay during your initial radio contact
Aircraft ID Location on Airport Type of Operation Planned (IFR and VFR) First Point of Intended Landing Action required (Taxi, Touch and go etc)
What items are required for an IFR clearance?
Aircraft ID Clearance Limit Departure Procedure Route of Flight Altitude Data in Order Flown
When can you request a contact approach?
Pilots can request if reported visibility at airfield is at least 1 mile
How do you report En-route Clearance Deviations
Point at which deviation commenced Direction and distance of detour Altitude/flight level change Point and ETA where original route resumed Flight conditions (IFR or VFR) Any further deviations necessary If equipped with Wx radar
How is clearance for a STAR obtained?
By filing it or requesting it
When given Clearance for a STAR what are you “Cleared” for
Clearance is for the lateral portion only unless cleared to “descend via”
What are Rules of Engagement?
Outline how airmen accomplish their mission within the military, political, and legal parameters provided by civilian and military leadership
What tells you how to execute an ATO?
What does SPINS stand for?
Special Instructions
What are SPINS?
Broad spectrum of employment information for a given air operation, most notably general operating procedures, communications plan, and rules of engagement
What are the scheduled Climb Parameters for Climb Charts? What do you correct for?
5 knots (+/- 0.01 Mach) Correct for Anti-Ice
IFR- takeoff to last point excluding delays
VFR- takeoff to overhead including delays