Academic ER End Of Chapter Questions Flashcards
According to the METAR, what is the reported temperature and altimeter settings (in inches of mercury) at KABC?
21 degrees C, 30.06 “Hg
IAW AFI 11-02, vol 3, the weather requirements for an airfield to qualify as an alternate are…
A ceiling of 1000ft, or 500 ft above the lowest compatible minimum, whichever is higher; and a visibility of 2 SM or 1 SM above the lowest compatible minimum, whichever is higher at 1 hour of ETA.
What is true regarding bird advisories and hazards?
AHAS uses BAM data combined with NEXRAD radar to predict bird activity.
How do returns move across the scope in the REL MODE (no turn)?
From top to bottom.
In REL, where should the heading marker always be located?
Firing at 000 degrees
In the INS mode, where should the heading marker fire? What kind of a bearing do you read to a target?
Fires at the aircrafts true heading - true bearing.
A larger building will intercept _________ energy than a smaller building.
The reflective potential of a target increases as the _______ increases.
The greatest amount of energy is reflected when the radar beam is ________ to the reflecting surface.
Why does water normally appear as a no-show area on the radarscope?
Because the surface of the water is flat, a very poor reflective angle is formed with the radar beam.
What causes a radar signal to lose energy the farther it travels?
Range attenuation.
Radar antennas are designed to beam more power at ________ ________ to help overcome range attenuation.
Longer ranges.
The amount of beam area an object occupies is called _______ ______.
Beamwidth occupancy
Radar beamwidth increases as range _______.
If the ground range remains constant as the altitude increases, the slant range ________.
List the two main differences between mountain shadows and lake returns.
- Mountain shadows change in shape
- The FAR side of a LAKE return is bright; the NEAR side of a MOUNTAIN return is bright.
What term refers to man-made in objects such as buildings, bridges, and dams?
Cultural return
Cities have excellent _________ _________ and form recognizable returns on the scope.
Signal potential
Because no energy can pass through a mountain, there is a _________ area beyond.
A no-show area on the radarscope has a bright far edge. It is probably a _______.
How do airfields and highways appear on radar?
Use a _______ gain setting if only stronger, persistent radar signals are desired.
What gain setting would you use for this type of target:
Factories, storage tanks,main field structures
Low gain
What gain setting would you use for this type of target:
Land-water contrast
High gain
What gain setting would you use for this type of target:
Return from surrounding terrain
Medium gain
Who is the best wife ever?
Andrea Newey
Glitter effect will last for _ ___ sweeps of the radar.
A few
The brightening of a return due to a momentarily higher signal potential is called…
Aka the herpes of crafting
Your radarscope is very bright at about 40 NM, but dims toward the center and blackens from 0 to 10 NM. You should _______ __ _______ your antenna tilt.
Adjust as necessary
As the aircraft’s ________ changes, you will need to constantly adjust the antenna tilt for optimum presentation.
How will a smooth ice coating on a body of water appear?
Same as a water return; no-show
How do ice ridges or ice mountains appear on radar?
Comparable to ground embankments or mountains
What causes Arctic reversal?
Radar signals returning from irregular shaped ice pack instead of from the ground.
List 3 inherent scope errors.
Beamwidth error
Pulse length error
Spot size error
With N-1/INS/REL switch in N-1 and HDG SEL OFF, the top of the scope represents…
Magnetic north
The AN/APN-242 has a warm-up time of _______ before it is fully energized and ready for automatic operation.
3 minutes
Glitter that occurs when the radar beam scans a large number of structures at right angels is called ________ ________ _______. This usually occurs when the true bearing of a city is equal to a _______ _______.
Cardinal point effect
Cardinal direction
When a “Trouble T” symbol () is depicted on an approach chart or SID/DP, USAF aircraft…
- must comply with the minimum climb gradient associated with the procedure unless different minimums are specified on the SID/DP
- will NOT comply with the nonstandard takeoff weather minimums associated with the procedure.
You are told to expect moderate rime ice from 10000 to 15000 feet overhead your destination. Are you allowed to descend through these conditions?
Yes; however, the restriction in AFI 11-2T-1 Vol 3 restricts you from cruising in actual moderate icing conditions.
IAW AFI 11-2T-1, Vol 3, weather requirements for an alternate airfield requiring radar on the only suitable approach are…
The same as for an alternate without a published approach procedure.
IAW AFI 11-202, vol 3, an alternate airfield should be filed on your flight plan…
When the ceiling is less than 2000 ft AGL and visibility is less than 3 SM.
The DoD Internet NOTAM Distribution System (DINS) covers…
All military bases and virtually all domestic, international, and FDC NOTAMs.
When a requested location is not in the US NOTAM system, the DoD Internet NOTAM Distribution System (DINS)
Provides a plain language notice in red font.
What does DINS stand for?
DoD Internet NOTAM distribution System
NOTAMs must be checked…
Prior to all flights.
You are planning to fly into a civilian field. The DINS does not track NOTAMs for this location. How do you access the “D” NOTAMs associated with this field?
Call any Flight Service Station and request the “D” series NOTAMs for your destination.
True or False: If entering the pattern for a tactical overhead, plan on using a 3-5 mile initial unless directed otherwise.
Unless a higher gradient is published, USAF aircraft are required to climb to a minimum of _____ on all IFR departures.
200 feet/NM
The Victor Airway System starts at…
1200 feet AGL and goes up to 17,999 feet MSL. (Does NOT include 18,000 feet MSL)
You want to file between two “H” class VORTACs at FL350 (off airways). The maximum distance you may file direct (NAVAID-to-NAVAID) between these two NAVAIDs is…
260 NM
True or False: 16,000 feet MSL is an appropriate altitude to fly IFR on a westbound flight.
You are planning an off-airways IFR flight. What minimum altitude do you need to maintain?
The typical “Mode C Veil” surrounding Class B airspace extends _______ from the primary airport.
30 NM
According to FLIP General Planning, Chapter 5, your IFR flight plan should be filed _____ before your estimated time of departure.
30 minutes (1 hour in some locations)
True or False: When departing a civil airport, you may file a flight plan with the nearest FSS in person, by telephone, or using aircraft radios (if no other means are available).
According to FLIP General Planning, Chapter 5, pilots should provide the following information to clearance delivery/ground control on initial contact:
- aircraft identification
- location
- type of planned operations (IFR)
- point of first intended landing
- requested action
Once vectoring an aircraft off an IFR Departure Procedure, what should a controller say to keep it from being automatically cancelled?
“Expect to resume (name and number) DEPARTURE.”
Define the following:
Service ceiling
Cruise ceiling
Combat ceiling
Service ceiling: highest altitude at which a maximum rate of climb of 100 fpm can still be achieved.
Cruise ceiling: highest altitude that a maximum rate of climb of 300 fpm can be achieved.
Combat ceiling: highest altitude that a maximum rate of climb of 500 fpm can be achieved.