451st T-1 Training Manual, June 2014 Flashcards
What is minimum landing fuel?
Approach time and fuel?
15 mins, 300#
Minimum fuel at the IAF
How do you calculate minimum fuel required?
MCF at engine start plus 150
What is card minus fuel?
Difference between planned fuel and MCF at the MAP
What is BINGO fuel?
Min fuel required from the furthest point along route direct to your destination with min fuel of 500
What is BINGO on an O&B?
GPU Start: crew will receive ATIS and clearance before what checklist?
Battery Start?
GPU: Before starting engines
Battery:after before starting engines
When must 400 DH be set?
NLT step 6 of the before takeoff checklist
What is the standard departure DSP set up?
TAC/TAC, with fix2fix set up
When do you switch from ground to tower?
When entering the end of the taxiway(pavement changes color)
T or F: Crew must verbalize all FMS changes?
What are your first actions at level off?
Tell pilot to level off, give pilot TAS to set and then standby cruise checklist
Seat exchanges will be briefed during the mission brief and will be performed at what AGL?
1000 AGL or greater
During the descent checklist, what “fuel/landing data” must be used?
Current fuel level, not predicted fuel at the IAF
Do not load the approach in the FMS until after completing what?
Step 1 of the descent checklist
You must clear for all turns…
Greater then 10 degrees
Fix to fix steps
- Set fix radial in the course arrow
- turn aircraft to estimated heading
- Refine the inital heading(pinch pinch/pencil)
- Ask jump for clear second course, and bring up second course
**Direct in the FMS as needed
UCSO will begin the 2 min prior call 2 mins out from…
The lead point
Criteria for a ground speed check
- Level flight
- Stabilized TAS(unaccelerated flight)
- Flying direct to.from a NAVAID with DME
- When DME is greater than altitude
All groundspeed checks below____ft. are accurate at any distance
When do you use condensed TPP’s going outbound?
JAYDI, TEEZY, ENSLY, BRATT, JERYS and any point reached while still climbing to final cruise altitude
When do you use TPP’s coming inbound?
TRADR, TEEZY, INBRD, JAYDI, MARYS and any point within 70nm of destination
When is station passage over a TACAN?
When the DME stops decreasing
When is station passage over a VOR/VOR-DME?
When the TO/FROM indicator switches
When is station passage over an ADF?
When the bearing pointer passes 90 degrees