ABSITE - ortho/neuro Flashcards
ulnar nerve motor distribution
wrist flexion
intrinsic musculature of hand
finger abduction
ulnar nerve sensory distribution
5th and 1/2 of 4th fingers
back of hand
ulnar nerve injury manifests as
claw hand
cubital tunnel syndrome involves this nerve
ulnar nerve
median nerve motor distribution
thumb apposition (OK sign)
thumb abduction
finger flexors
median nerve sensory distribution
most of palm
1st 3 1/2 fingers on palmar side
median nerve injury manifests as
decreased thumb movement
fingers extended
carpal tunnel syndrome involves this nerve
median nerve
radial nerve motor distribution
wrist extension
finger extension
thumb extension
radial nerve sensory distribution
1st 3 1/2 fingers on dorsal side
musculocutaneous nerve function
motor to biceps
motor to brachialis
motor to coracobrachialis
axillary nerve function
deltoid abduction
sensory to deltoid
obturator nerve function
hip adduction
superior gluteal nerve function
hip abduction
inferior gluteal nerve function
hip extension
femoral nerve function
knee extension
herniation affecting L1-L3 nerves causes:
weak hip flexion
herniation affecting L4 nerve causes:
weak knee extension (quadriceps)
weak patellar reflex
herniation affecting L5 nerve causes:
weak dorsiflexion (foot drop) decreased sensation in big toe web space
herniation affecting S1 nerve causes:
weak plantarflexion
weak Achilles reflex
decreased sensation in lateral foot
anterior shoulder dislocation injures ___
axillary nerve
posterior shoulder dislocation injures ___
axillary artery
proximal humerus fx injures ___
axillary nerve
mid-shaft (spiral) humerus fx injures ___
radial nerve
distal (supra-condylar) humerus fx injures ___
brachial artery
anterior interosseus artery
may lead to forearm compartment syndrome (Volkmann’s contracture)
elbow (ulnar) dislocation injures ___
brachial artery
distal radial fx injures ___
median nerve
anterior hip dislocation injures ___
femoral artery
femoral nerve
posterior hip dislocation injures ___
sciatic nerve
distal (supra-condylar) femur fx injures ___
popliteal artery
posterior knee dislocation injures ___
popliteal artery
fibula neck fx injures ___
common peroneal nerve
forearm fx injures ___
ulnar nerve
radial nerve
lateral knee injury injures ___
anterior cruciate ligament
posterior cruciate ligament
medial meniscus
medial collateral ligament
anterior lower leg compartment contains
anterior tibial artery
deep peroneal nerve
lateral lower leg compartment contains
superficial peroneal nerve
deep posterior lower leg compartment contains
posterior tibial artery
peroneal artery
tibial nerve
superficial posterior lower leg compartment contains
sural nerve
compartment syndrome affecting anterior lower leg compartment manifests as
foot drop
decreased sensation to webspace between 1st and 2nd toes
superficial peroneal nerve injury manifests as ____
inability to evert the foot
loss of sensation over dorsum of foot (except 1st webspace)