Absi/Carlson: Sleep Flashcards
What percent of our time is spent in sleep?
What percent of the population reports sleep difficulties?
What percent of hospital pts w/ behavioral problems suffer from sleep disturbances?
What causes sleep disturbances?
- Insomnia–> emotional disturbances and impairments in mental functioning (memory difficulty)
- Obstructive sleep apnea–> impairment in performance on complex motor tasks
What are the two main categories of sleep and how do they differ?
REM: Neurological Recovery
Non-REM: Bones and Muscles
What happens in Non-REM stage 1
Twilight sleep
transition from wakefulness to sleep
I am NOT sleeping
What happens in Non-REM stage 2
Bridge from stage 1 to slow wave
EEG tracings of sleep spindles and K complexes’ cause arousal of sleep architecture
What happens in Non-REM stage 3
Restorative to bones and muscles
Consistent breathing pattern
Stable blood pressure – 10% lower – “dipping”
What is the difficult sleep to be awaken from?
Non-REM stage 3
When do parasomnias (sleep walking, bedwetting) occur?
Non-REM stage 3
What happens in REM sleep
Neurological recovery Blood pressure fluctuates Breathing pattern fluctuates Shuffle and organize days occurrences Dreaming Easiest to awaken from Erections occur in males
Describe the cycles of sleep?
Cycle through stages every 90 minutes
More SLOW wave EARLY in night
More REM at END of night
Awakenings occur during lighter stages
What stage of sleep is important for neurological recovery (depression)?
How much sleep do you really need?
Average adult 7.5
How many hours of sleep do children need?
Children: 10 to 11 hours – increase in SLOW wave sleep (growing)
How much sleep do adolescents need?
Adolescence: 9 to 10 hours – hormones cause a circadian shift – go to sleep later and wake later
How much sleep do adults? How do senior differ?
Adults: 8 hours
Seniors: 8 hours – decreased slow wave sleep, more fragmented sleep, may need naps