Abolition of the Slave Trade Flashcards
When was the slave trade abolished?
Who brought the bill to Parliament?
William Wilberforce
How many bills did Wilberforce take to Parliament before it was passed?
15 (including 1807)
What did Thomas Clarkson do?
Collected items about the slave trade in a box to support his argument
Who used their religious beliefs to JUSTIFY being a slave owner?
John Pinney
Which religious groups contributed to abolition?
Quakers, evangelists, Methodists and Unitarians
Who was an early leader of the Methodists?
John Wesley
Which evangelist group did Clarkson and Wilberforce belong to?
Clapham Sect
Which church’s idea was to spread abolition message to working people?
What was the strongest anti-abolition group?
Society for Affecting Abolition of the Slave Trade
What religious groups made up the SFAAOTST?
9 Quakers and 3 evangelists
What did Josiah Wedgwood do?
Designed, manufactured and distributed abolition medallions. A humanitarian approach
How many petitions were presented to Parliament regarding abolition in 1792?
How many copies of the Quakers’ anti-slavery petition were sold by 1784?
What year was the Haitian Revolution?