Meaning of the acronym PAES
Meaning of acronym AMTEC
Agricultural Machinery Testing and Evaluation Center
PAES # for Guidelines on After-Sales Service – Specifications (use format xxx:year)
PAES 138:2004
PAES # for Agricultural Machinery – Four-Wheel Tractor – Specifications (use format xxx:year)
PAES 118:2001
PAES # for Agricultural Machinery – Rubber Roll for rice Mill- Methods of Test(use (use format xxx:year for ALL PAES)
PAES 215:2004
PNS/PAES # for Farm to Market Roads (Earth, Gravel, Bituminous, Concrete)
PNS/PAES 421:2009
PAES # for Agricultural Machinery-Sugarcane Planter-Methods of Test
PAES 160:2011
PNS/BAFS/PAES # for Design of a Diversion Dam
PNS/BAFS/PAES 229:2017
PAES # for Agricultural Machinery-Coconut Coir Decorticator-Specifications?
PAES # for Agricultural Machinery-Coconut Coir Decorticator-Specifications?
PNS/BAFS/PAES for General Irrigation Terminologies
PAES # for Agricultural Machinery – Small Engine – Methods of Test?
PAES 117:2000
PAES # for Agricultural Machinery – Disc Plow – Specifications
PAES 121:2001
It embraces the use of tools, implement and machines for agricultural land development, production, harvesting, and post-production processes. It includes three main power sources: human, animal and mechanical
Agricultural mechanization
Model of Mechanization which is motivated into increasing the level of mechanization in order to cultivate large agricultural lands with limited available manpower and take advantage of favorable agricultural commodity prices. Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia follow the USA model.
High land area to farmer ratio
Model of Mechanization which is motivated into increasing the level of mechanization in order to increase yields and cropping intensities to meet the growing demands for food and agricultural raw materials. South Korea, China, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, and the Philippines follow the Japanese model
Low land area to farmer ratio
Low land area to farmer ratio
Import substitution
Mechanization must result in more _______ at lower cost than the traditional method - to justify the equipment cost, divert displaced labor to more productive operations.
Mechanization must replace______ and energy efficiently – should be less than those required with the use of hand tools
Tractors, power tillers, irrigation pumps, harvesters and threshers increase _____________________.
cropping intensities
The grouping together of small parcels of land comprising a contiguous area and reforming the boundaries for the purpose of effecting suitable field shapes and sizes conducive to efficient operation of agricultural machinery, building access roads, field irrigation and drainage canals as well as allotting spaces for crop postharvest processing structures.
Land Consolidation
The grouping together of farms in an area (initially forming a minimum of 50-ha cluster) for synchronized farming operations from land preparationto harvesting in cooperation or contract with agricultural mechanized operations service providers for the purpose of making field operations efficient and thus, effect low cost, timely, and professional or high quality services to the benefit also of the farmers forming the cluster.
Farm Clustering
Country where there is reduction in human labor at rice production from 1050 hrs/ha to 300 hrs/ha
Level of mechanization where the operation is done with the use of non-mechanical power source such as man and animal.
Low Mechanization
Level of mechanization where *the operations are done with the use of mechanical power source with limited human intervention such as computerized machines or robots.
Full Mechanization
Year of passage of RA 8559 (The Philippine Agricultural Engineering Act of _____) an act regulating the practice of Agricultural Engineering in the Philippines which upgrade the practice of Agricultural Engineering profession in the country and accelerate agricultural modernization through adequate and well trained professional engineers.
The oldest source of power in the farm
Human power
The greatest invention of man.
Develops power of human working continuously under favorable conditions (good health, well fed, and favorable environment) (kW and 4 decimal places)
The most efficient means of converting energy into mechanical energy compared to gasoline and diesel engines.
Electric motor
Maximum thermal Efficiency range of ICE?
Average solar constant at an average earth-sun distance of 1.496x1011 m (in W/m2)
It is the consistent inclination of earth’s axis of spin with respect to plane of its orbit (23.45 o)
Power that can be generated from the movement of masses of water. Movement in the form of kinetic energy can be converted into mechanical energy which can then be used to drive agricultural and industrial equipment
Hydro Power
Type of hydraulic turbine that has adjustable runner blades and may or may not have adjustable guide-vanes
Motion of air caused by the uneven heating of the earth’s surface by the sun and the rotation of the earth (Coriolis’ effect)
A double-axle machine powered by an engine ranging from 15 hp to over 100 hp.
Four-wheel tractor
Second major component of the tractor. It provides draft power through the wheels, rotary power through the PTO and lifting power through the hydraulic system.
Transmission System
Start a smooth delivery of power to the transmission. Interrupt power while the transmission gear ratio is being changed and interrupt power when the tractor is to be stopped
Any physical soil manipulation which changes the structure of the soil, kills weeds, and rearranges dead plant materials
Initial cutting, breaking and usually inversion of the soil. Implements used are moldboard, disc and chisel plows and subsoilers cutting the soil to a depth of 6” to 36”. Often referred to as plowing.
Primary Tillage