Abdominal wall Flashcards
What are the surface markeings of the transpyloric plane?
midwaybetween the jugular notch and the top of the pubic symphysis.
where is the arcuate line in the abdomen located?
2.5cm below the umbilicus.
discribe the change to the rectus sheath below the srcuate line?
above the internal oblique aponurosis splits to envelop the rectus ,the external the anterior layer and the transversus abdominus the posterior layer.
below the arcuate line all 3 aponurosis pass in front of the muscle
apart from the rectus abdominus which muscle is in the rectus sheath?
which vessels?
which nerves?
the pyramidalis.
The superior and inferior epigastric arteries
and the lower 6 thoracic nerves and concrdent thoracic vessels
within which neurovascular plane do the posterior intercostal nerves run?
Inbetween the internal oblique and the transversus abdominus
before the posterior intercostal nerves have entered the rectus sheath they have given off which nerves to supply the external oblique?
the later cutaneous branches of the intercostal nerves supply the external oblique
the nerve the proceeds to the skin as the anterior cutaneous branch.
the superior epigastric artery is a terminal branch off the ??
interal thoracic artery
What is the surface marking of the fundus of the Gallbladder?
the lateral border of the rectus muscle and the costal margin 9th costal cartinage
what is the surface marking of the bifurcation of the aorta?
to the left and below the umbilicus
what are the layers of the abodminal wall at the umbilicus lap port site?
skin subcutaneous tissue linea alba extraperitoneal fat peritoneum and then peritoneal cavity
cutaneous innervation of the unbilicus is from which vertebral level?
which abdominal muscle has a free edge at its origin? i.e is not attached to the thoracolumbar fascia?
the external oblique has a free edge
all of the abdominal muscles have the same level of innervation T7- L1, except____ which is ____?
transversus abdominus which is T6 to L1.
above the costal margin which abdominal muscle covers restus abdominus?
the external oblique
is the only one that is up that high
the inferior epigstric artery runs in what relation to the rectus abdominus?
behind it within the sheath
which nerve runs inferiorly down the psosas muscles?
which nerve supplies the cremasteric muscle and reflex?
genital branch of genitofemoral
the cremasteric muscles are derived from which amdonimal wall layer?
the internal oblique
which layer of the abdomen does the internal spermtic fascia comes from?
the transversus abdominus
what are the three arteries in the spermatic cord?
the gonadal, cremasteric and artery to vas def
in the retroperitoneum what muscle goes through the lateral arcuate ligament ?
the quadratus lonborum
in the retroperitoneum, which muscle goes through the medial arcuate ligment ?
psoas muscle
in the retroperitoneum what vessel goes throuhg them median arcuate ligment ?
Which nerve comes out and crosses quadratus lonborum in the retroperitoneum?
in the diaphragm what goes through the aortic hiatus?
the aorta, the thoracic duct, the azugous vein.
in the diaphragm what goes through the esophageal hiatus?
the esophagus and the vagus nerve
Which nerves penetrate the diaphragm, not through a hiatus?
the splanchnic nerves (sympathetic nervous system) and also the superior epigastric vessels.
as the IVC enters the diaphragm, what is its hiatus surrounded by?
the central tendon, to keep it open, unlike the esophageal crus which closes with every inspiration. (pinch mechanism)
The floor of the inguinal canal is made up of?
the inguinal ligmanet.
what forms the roof of the inguinal canal?
the arched over borders of the internal oblique and the transversus abdominus.
which two muscles aponurosis form the congoint tendon?
the transfersus abdominus and the internal oblique
what is the posterior wall of the inguinal canal made up from?
medially the congoint tendon and laterally a weak border of transversalis fascia and peritoneum.
how long is the inguinal canal?
what constitutes the anterior wall of the inguinal canal?
fibers of the external oblique aponurosis , weaker medially
which artery does the accessory obturator artery come from ?
Sometimes it comes from the inferior epigastric, then goes down and backwards aver the lacunar ligament into the obturator fossae.
the obturator nerve, the lumbosacral plexus emerg from behind the psoas muscle on which side?
the medial side
where can the cysterna chlii be found?
at the level of the L1 L2 vertabre - between the aorta and the azygous vein.
the hemiazygous vein in the abodmen crosses the midnight at which level?
the T9 vertebrae to join the azygous
in the lumbar abdomen where is the right sympathetic chain located in respect to the psoas muscel?
and the left sympathetic chain in respect to the aorta?
right: Medial to the psoas, near the vertrbral body.
Left: lies on the left margin of the aorta
There are 5 folds in the anterior abdominal wall under the umbilicus what are they ? and what is in them ?
then median umbilical fold contains the urachal ligmanet.
2 x medial umbilical ligmenets which used to contain the umbilical artery now exist as the superior vesical artery.
2.x lateral umbilical folds, for the inferior epigastric artery and vein.
what are the 3 borders of the hasslebacks triangle?
The lateral border of the rectus abdominus
the inferior epigastric arteries
the inguinal ligment
discribe the course of the root of the mesentry
starts at the doudenual- jujunal juncture and then traverses obliquely dows and crosses the D3, aorta, IVC, right psoas major, right ureter and right gonadal artery
discribe the significance of the sigmoid mesocolon
It has an “inverted V” line of attachment, the apex of which is near the division of the left common iliac artery. It has two limbs:
the lateral limb descends along the pelvic brim, over the external iliac vessels and terminates at a level approximate to the mid point of the inguinal ligament
the medial limb descends into the pelvis and ends in the midline anterior to the third sacral segment. The superior rectal artery can be found in the base of the medial limb