Abdominal Exam 2 Flashcards
What word should never be used in documentation?
- LES isn’t contracting
- common symptoms: heartburn dysphagia, regurgitation
- atypical symptoms: coughing/wheezing, hoarseness, otitis media (in babies), non cardiac chest pain (pretty common)
GERD lifestyle modifications to help
losing weigh, avoiding known triggers/large meals, waiting 3 hours after a meal before lying down, elevated head of the bed by 8 inches
Classes of Drugs for GERD
Antacids, H2 receptors antagonist, proton pump inhibitors (PPI)
- most common digestive complaint in the US
- symptom, not a disease
Rome III Criteria for Constipation: must have experienced at least 2 of the following over the proceeding 3 months..
- fewer than 3 bowel movements/week
- Straining
- Lumpy or hard stools
- Sensation of incomplete defecation
- Manual maneuvering required to defecate
Constipation: Bristol Stool Scale
- way patients and physicians can agree on what the feces look like
- 7 types
Constipation: associated symtoms
nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, dark/bloody stools, low back pain, tenesmus, inability to pass gas (obstruction)
Constipation: abdomen exam, pelvic exam for females, anorectal exam
- distention or masses may indicate impaction
- palpate posterior vaginal wall at rest to check for prolapsed rectum
- Perianal excoriation, anal fissure, prolapse during straining
What forms skin tags?
- skin rubbing together
- more cosmetic than a health problem
Lifestyle modifications for constipations
increase fiber, water, use bathroom right away, increase exercise
Gastroenteritis: Two Viral biggies
- Norovirus: sudden onset with uncontrolled vomitting 12-48 hrs after exposure, resolution about 36 hours after symptoms begin
- Rotavirus: by time kids are 5, they will have it if not immunized; can cause death in children
Gastroenteritis: Three Bacterial biggies
- Salmonella
- C. Difficile - most common hospital acquired GI illness
- E. Coli - most common cause of traveler’s diarrhea
Gastroenteritis: One Parasitic biggies
Giardia - causes diarrhea, bloating, abdominal cramping, N/V
-transmission person to person, animals to humans; most commonly gotten from infected water
Drug associated diarrhea
sorbitol, PPIs, antibiotics, laxatives
not equal to inflammatory bowel disease
-associated with diarrhea, constipation, bloating, abdominal pain