Abdominal Cavity IV Flashcards
What is the function of the kidney?
Removes excess water, salt and wastes from blood via urine.
Returns nutrients to blood
Secretes various hormones that regulate BP and prod of RBCs
What is the pararenal fat as compared to perirenal?
Para is in front of kidney while perirenal fat is in the renal capusle right around kidney.
What is the innervation of the kidney?
Sympathetic (T10-L1)
Parasympathetic (Vagus and S2-S4)
Describe the blood supply to the kidney:
Renal artery»segmental arteries»interlobular arteries»arcuate arteries.
Drain back via renal veins
What is the blood supply of the suprarenal (adrenal) glands
Superior suprarenal a (from inferior phrenic a)
Middle suprarenal a (from aorta)
Inferior suprarenal a (from renal a or aorta)
What is produced in the medulla of the adrenal glands? The cortex?
Norepinephrine and epinephrine (fight or flight response).
Corticosteroids and androgens
What is the lateral arcuate ligament?
The boundary between the diaphragm and the quadratus lumborum.
Why are hiccups important?
Maybe because of a frog adaptation for breathing.
Or a way to allow for a difference in breathing and suckling.
What is the innervation of the diaphragm?
Phrenic mainly (C3,4,5) Also intercostal nerves
Psoas Major
O: Tverse of lumbar vert; sides of vert bodies t12-s1
Ins: Lesser trochanter of femur
Inn: lumbar plexus via ant branches of L2-L4
A: flexes thigh, flexes vert column laterally. sitting acts inferiorly to flex trunk
O: Superior 2/3 of iliac fossa, ala of sacrum and ant sacro-iliac joints
Ins: Lesser trochanter of femur and shaft inferior
Inn: Femoral n (L2-L4)
A: flexes thigh and stabilizes hip joint; acts with psoas major
Quadratus Lumborum
O: Medial half of inf part of rib 12 and tips of lumbar tverse processes
Ins: Iliolumbar ligament and internal lip of iliac crest
Inn: ant branches of T12 and L1-L4 n
Action: extends and laterally flexes vert column. Fixes 12th rib during inspiration
Subcostal n
comes from ventral rami of T12
Innervates external oblique and skin of anterolateral abd wall
Lumbar spinal nerves
arises: L1-L5
Inn: posterior-deep back muscles and skin of back
anterior-skni and muscles of inferior trunk and lower limb
What forms the lumbar plexus
Ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric
Arise: L1
Inn: abdom muscles and skin of inguinal and pubic regions
Genitofemoral n
Arise: L1-L2 (genital and femoral branches)
Inn: skin below inguinal ligament
Lateral Femoral cutaneous nerve
Inn: anterolateral skin of thigh
Femoral n
Arise: L2-L4
Inn: Iliacus, hip flexors, knee extensors
Obturator n
Arise: L2-L4
Inn: medial thigh and adductors
Accessory obturator n
(usually not present)
Arise: L3-L4
Inn: pectineus, hip joint
Where is the most common place for an aortic aneurysm?
In the abdominal cavity just superior to the branch point of common iliac arteries. Typically caused by plaque problems.
Lumbosacral Trunk
Arise: L4-L5
Inn: Joins sacral plexus