Abdominal and Pelvic Autonomics and Pain Flashcards
What is the sympathetic and parasympathetic effect on longitudinal and circular muscle?
symp= emotility para= motility
What is the sympathetic and parasympathetic effect on sphincter muscles of the GI tract?
symp= contraction para= relaxation
What is the sympathetic and parasympathetic effect on glands of the GI tract?
symp= no secretions para= secretions
What is the sympathetic and para sympathetic effect on splenic capsule?
symp= contraction
no parasymp effects
What is the sympathetic and parasympathetic effect on the liver?
symp= glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis
no parasymp effects
What is the sympathetic and parasympathetic effect on the endocrine pancreas?
symp= no insulin secretion para= none
What is the sympathetic and para sympathetic effect on exocrine pancreas?
symp= no secretion para= secretion
What is the sympathetic and parasympathetic effect on detrusor vesicae of the bladder?
symp= relaxation para= contraction
What is the sympathetic and parasympathetic effect on the functional bladder sphincter?
symp= contraction para= inhibit contraction
What is the sympathetic and parasympathetic effect on the seminal vesicles and ductus deferens?
symp= contraction (ejac) para= none
What is the sympathetic and para sympathetic effect on the uterus?
symp= contraction or relaxation depending on hormones para= none
What is the sympathetic and parasympathetic effect on the arteries of the abdomen and pelvis?
symp= vasoconstriction para= vasodilation of arteries of penis and clitoris
What is the sympathetic and parasympathetic effect on the medulla of the suprarenal gland?
symp= release of adrenalin para= no effect
What is the sympathetic and parasympathetic effect on the urinary tract/kidney?
symp= vasoconstriction (no urine) para= vasodilation
What plexuses are found in the abdominal aorta? What do they control?
Celiac, superior mesenteric, and inferior mesenteric
autonomic control of digestion
What does the inf and sup hypogastric plexus innervate? What do they control?
pelvic viscera
autonomic control of urinary and reproduction function
What do the rami communicantes connect?
spinal nerves to each sympathetic trunk, carry preganglionic sympathetic axons from T1-L2
What is a white ramus?
Pregang axons that are myelinated, “entrance”
What is a grey ramus?
postgnag unmyelinated, connect to all spinal nerves so info from thoracolumbar region can be distributed all over the body, “exit”
What is the spinal nerve sympathetic pathways?
hop back on spinal nerve and go to skin, induce sweating, dialate vasculature in skin
Ventral ramus –> spinal nerve –> preganglionic –> white ramus –> sympathetic trunk ganglion of same level or ascend descend –> grey ramus on same spinal nerve and travel to skin, “looping”
What is the postganglionic sympathetic pathway?
synapsing and then becomes grey ramus that is long and goes to where needs to go, stay at same level or ascend, long splanchnic nerves
What is the splanchnic nerve sympathetic pathway?
pre gang white ramus going into sympathetic trunk but no synapsing then still white and goes to prevertebral ganglion then sends out fibers in plexuses
What is the adrenal medulla sympathetic pathway?
direct stimulation by pregang on adrenal gland, everything white
What terminates in prevertebral ganglia?
greater, lesser, and least thoracic
lumbar splanchnic
sacral splanchnic
Where do we find prevertebral ganglia? What are the 3 we have?
single structures not paired, anterior to vertebral column on ant surface of aorta, only in abdominopelvic cavity,
celiac, superior mesenteric, and inferior mesenteric
What innervates the intraperitoneal of the foregut?
sympathetic trunk, posterior and anterior vagal trunk, celiac ganglia, and superior mesenteric ganglia
What innervates the intraperitoneal of the mid and hind gut?
sympathetic trunk, posterior and anterior vagal trunk, celiac ganglia, superior and inferior mesenteric ganglion, greater lesser and least splanchnic, lumbar splanchnic, sacral splanchnic, pelvic splanchnic
What parasympathetic innervation does pelvic splanchnic (S2-4) provide?
distal gut tube (distal LI, rectum), repor organs, bladder, distal ureters and pelvic viscera
What effects does the vagus nerve have?
decrease heart rate, decrease respiration, constrict and excite mucous production in bronchial passages, promote swallowing and peristalsis in esophagus, promote digestion in abdominal viscera
Where is pain innervated by sympathetics?
Between thoracic pain line at plane of sternal angle (T4-5) and pelvic pain line at plane of lower extent of peritoneum
What is visceral pain?
Diffuse and poorly localized, referred to somatic regions, injury to internal organs and tissues that support them, can be localized by sensory cortex to approximate spinal cord level
What is somatic pain?
Well localized, cause by injury to skin muscles bone joint and connective tissue
What is parietal pain?
Irritation of fibers that innervate parietal peritoneum, localized to dermatome superficial to site of painful stimulus, visceral can develop into tenderness, rebound, rigidity, guarding