Abdomen, Pelvis and Perineum 1 Flashcards
What are four quadrants of the chest wall?
- right upper
- left upper
- right lower
- left lower
What are the nine regions of the abdomen (top to bottom, right to left)?
- right hypochondriac
- epigastric region
- left hypochondriac
- right lumbar
- umbilical region
- left lumbar
- right iliac
- hypogastric region
- left iliac
Label 1-6
- Rectus abdominis
- Inferior epigastric artery and vein
- Superficial inguinal lymph nodes
- Linea alba
- Internal abdominal oblique muscle
- Spermatic cord
Label 1-6
- Thoracoabdominal nerve
- Posterior rectus sheath
- Transverse abdominal muscle
- Arcuate line
- Inferior epigastric artery
- Inguinal ligament
What forms the rectus sheath?
Aponeuroses of the lateral sheet muscles
What envelops the anterior rectus abdominis?
Rectus sheath
What forms the inguinal ligament?
External oblique aponeurosis
Label 1-3
- Inguinal ligament
- Ilioinguinal nerve
- Superficial inguinal ring
Where is the deep inguinal ring located?
Above the midpoint of the inguinal ligament and lateral to the epigastric vessels. Formed by the transversalis fascia
Where is the superficial inguinal ring located?
Superior to the pubic tubercle. Made by fibres of the external oblique muscle.
Where is the mid-inguinal point located?
Halfway between the anterosuperior iliac spine (ASIS) and the pubic symphisis
What are the contents of the inguinal canal?
- spermatic cord in men
- round ligament of the uterus in women
- iliolinguinal nerve
- genital branch of the gentifemoral nerve
What is the terminal end of the inguinal canal?
Superficial inguinal ring
Label 1-4
- Skin
- Superficial fatty fascia (Camper’s fascia)
- Superficial membraneous fascia (Scarpa’s fascia
- External oblique
What are the walls of the inguinal canal?
- anterior = external oblique aponeurosis
- posterior = transversalis fascia
- roof = internal oblique
- floor = inguinal ligament
What is an inguinal hernia?
Abnormal exit of abdominopelvic contents through the superficial inguinal ring
What is a direct inguinal hernia?
- bulge is medial to inferior epigastric artery
- doesnt go through deep inguinal ring
What is an indirect inguinal hernia?
- bulge is lateral to the inferior epigastric artery
- goes through deep inguinal ring
Label 5-9
- Internal oblique
- Transversus abdominis
- Transversalis fascia
- Parietal peritoneum
- Extraperitoneal fascia
What is the innervation of the anterolateral abdominal wall?
Ilioingual and iliohypogastric nerves
What is the blood supply of the anterolateral abdominal wall?
Superior and inferior epigastric arteries and veins
Label 1-6
- Ilium
- Ischium
- Sacrum
- Pubic symphysis
- Anterior superior iliac spine
- Iliac crest
Label 1,3,5,6
- Quadratus lumborum
- Iliacus
- Iliohypogastric nerve
- Ilioinguinal nerve
Label 1-5
- Diaphragm
- Psoas major
- Psoas minor
- Iliacus
- Inguinal ligament
Label 6-10
- Pubic crest
- Pectineal line
- Lesser trochanter
- Greater trochanter
- Anterior superior iliac spine
Label 11-14
- Sacrum
- Iliac fossa
- Iliac crest
- Quadratus lumborum
Label 2,3,6
- Quadratus lumborum
- Psoas minor
- Psoas major
What is the innervation of the posterior abdominal wall?
Quadratus lumborum = T12-L5 spinal nerves
Iliopsoas = lumbar plexus
What is the blood supply of the posterior abdominal wall?
Aorta and IVC
Which muscles make up the iliopsoas group?
Iliacus and psoas major and minor
Label 1-5
- Liver
- Stomach
- Transverse colon
- Small intestine
- Cecum
Label 1-4
- Duodenum
- Ascending colon
- Cecum
- Rectum
Label 5-8
- Transverse colon
- Jejunum with serosa
- Sigmoid colon
- Ileum
Label 1-5
- Superior duodenum
- Major duodenal papilla
- Descending duodenum
- Inferior duodenum
- Ascending Duodenum
Label 1 and 2
- Ileocaecal junction
- Veriform appendix
Label 1-5
- Cardiac region
- Fundus
- Rugae
- Body
- Greater curvature
Label 6-10
- Pyloric antrum
- Pyloric sphincter
- Lesser curvature
- Abdominal oesophagus
- Gastro-oesophageal junction