Abdomen/Pelvis Anatomy/Planning Flashcards
How to scan and knowing the anatomy.
a serous membrane that lines the abdominal cavity
The liver, gallbladder, spleen, stomach and most of intestines are located in what membrane of the abdomen?
the peritoneum
What is the largest organ in the body?
the liver
What does the liver produce?
How many major lobes of the liver are there?
two, the right and left side.
What to ducts meet to form the common bile duct?
the cystic and hepatic duct
What are the two main sources of blood to to the liver?
the common hepatic artery and the portal vein
What to vessels form the portal vein?
the splenic vein and the SMV :)
What veins DRAIN the liver?
the hepatic veins
The hepatic veins drain directly into what major vein?
the IVC
How many hepatic veins are there?
3 :)
Right left and middle
What is the main function of the gallbladder?
to store bile
What is the function of the cystic duct?
to drain the gallbladder through the common bile ductand hepatic duct
The common bile duct is the main passageway of bile from the gallbladder and liver INTO the duodenum ( part of intestines)
What is the function of the pancreas?
to produce pancreatic juice which aids in digestion and produce insuline
The pancreas is an exocrine gland
True or False
TRUE but it is ALSO an endoocrine. It does both!!
Endocrine- emits insulin and glucagon into bloodstream
Exocrine- emits pancreatic fluid in the duodenum
What type of “juice” aids in digestion?
pancreatic juice :O It pours into the duodenum
What does the spleen do?
filter abnormal blood cells, store iron, and initiate immune system responses
Is the spleen located on your left or right side?
What vessel supplies the spleen with blood?
the splenic artery and is drained by splenic vein
Where are the adrenal glands located?
above/superiorly to the kidneys
What do the kidneys do?
produces urine and filters blood
What portion of your body “acts as a food reservoir?
The stomach, duh!!
What are the functions of the stomach>
Storing food, breakdown of foo
Stomach is one of the most vascular organs within the body. True or false?
What three arteries feed the stomach?
gastric, splenic, and gastoduodenal.
The most PROXIMAL portion of the small intestines is called the??
begins at the pylorus and curves at the head of pancreas.
If you are over the umbilcal region, you will probably see the jejunum part of intestines.
The small intestines receive blood from what arteries?
superior mesenteric artery
If you are scanning in the lower right abdomen, you are probably seeing the ileum.
How long is the large intestines?
1.5 meters long :O
Where do the large intestines end?
What are the three main parts of the large intestines?
the colon, rectum, and cecum.
Which part of the long intestines is the longest?
Colon, recxtum, or cecum?
the colon
The rectum is not considered a pelvic organ.
True or False
FALSE it IS a pelvic organ
What is the function of the large intestines?
to reabsorbe water and storage and elmination of fecal matter
At what level of the spine does the aorta bifuricate?
at L4
What arteries supply the adrenal glands?
the suprarenal arteries.
Supra meaning above and the adrenals are above the kidneys :)
The left kidney is higher than the right..
True or False
True. Because of the liver
Is the aorta on your left side or right side of your body?
the left :)
The head of the pancreas is supplied by what vessel?
the SMA (superior mesenteric artery), it also supplies the large and small intestines.
What are the first 2 branches of the abdominal aorta?
celiac and SMA
What is the largest vein in the body?
the IVC
Is it important for a patient to empty their bladder before scanning ?
indications for a liver/gallbladder scan
Hemangiomas, mets, biliary obstruction, cholangiocarcinoma, cholangitis, hydatid cyst, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)
When contrast is administered, we are detecting the contrast as it goes through the heart, pulmonary arteries and the into the aorta.
True or False
After giving contrast in an abdominal MRI, when will you tell the patient to take a deep breath in?
right before it gets to the aortic bifurication down in the pelvis.
it is not important to explain the breathing instructions to patients getting an abdominal MRI
FALSE. you MUST instruct patients about what to expect and how important those breathing instructions are.
anatomy covered in an abdominal MRI
Include just above the liver and just below the kidneys.
The sequence that has the multiple slices/lines, you must center it over the common bile ducts
True, it is a volume study that includes about 10 images.
Cushing’s syndrome is an indication for what type of MR?
In an adrenal/kidney exam, what area is supposed to be covered?
same as abdomen, below renal to above liver.
indications for a pancreatic MRI
Mets, panc cancer, panc duct stones, or pancreatitis.
Aneurysm, dissection, IV Malformations, and claudication or occlusion are all indications for what kind of exam?
abdominal aorta MRI
Rectal cancer, anal fistulas, Crohns disease are all indications for what kind of exam?
What anatomy is covered in an anal MRI?
From L5 to the anus.
indications for a female pelvic MRI
Cancer of uterus/cervix, ovaries, fibroids, adenomyosis, mets, endometriosis, Pelvic floor dysfunction.
What areas are covered in a female pelvic exam?
Prostate cancer staging, radiation/surgery, palpable mass, cancer, or prostate cysts are indications for what type of MR?
male pelvis/ prostate
anatomy covered in a prostate MRI?
L5- anus
Bladder to pubis symphysis.
indications for a testicular MRI
Testicular carcinoma, masses on ultrasound, seminoma, lymphoma, undescended testicles or agenesis.
How do we position the testicles for the MRI?
Move penis out of field, put a towel under the testicles, put a WARM towel over testes so they stay warm. and coil goes over the towel.
What are some reasons we would do a fetal brain MRI
absent corpus callosum, large ventricles, posterior fossa abnormality, fetal viability , or abnormal ultrasound.
We can use contrast on pregnant patients.
True or False
The pancreas contains how many parts to it?
2, 3, or 4?
Head neck body tail
The Common bile duct is formed by the common hepatic duct and the cystic duct
True or False
The hepatic veins empty directly into the ______.
Hint- Its a major vessel in the abdomen)
IVC ( inferior vena cava)
What ligament separates the left lobe from the caudate lobe?
Ligamentum venosum
What ligament separates the left an right lobes and attaches the liver to the diaphragm?
falciform ligament (ligamentum teres is another name for it)
The hepatic ARTERY and the portal vein both feed the liver its nutrients.
True or False
TRUE, mostly the portal vein.
The porta hepatitis is the hilum of the liver where vessels enter and exit.
True or false
What is the function of the liver?
center for metabolism and production of bile
What is the name of the capsule that encases the liver?
Glisson’s capsule
Where is Morison’s pouch located?
It is the subhepatic space located between the right kidney and the right lobe of liver
The portal vein is formed from what vessels?
the splenic vein and the SMV and IMV
The duct of Wirsung is another name for what duct?
pancreatic duct
What do the adrenal glands do?
they produce steroids and epinephrine and is responsible for the “fight or flight” response
The outer cortex of kidney filtrates urine and the inner medulla part is beginning of the collecting system.
The ileum, duodenum and jejunum are part of the _______ intestines
small or large
The cecum, colon and rectum are part of the ____ intestines
large or small?
What are the three branches of the celiac trunk?
common hepatic, splenic, and left gastric.
Just think the celiac feeds the spleen stomach and liver.
the superior mesenteric artery feeds the small intestines and the ascending and transverse colon.
True or False
The IVC drains the lower part of the body and enters the ___ atrium of the heart.
the ____ ___ muscles support the abdomen and are connected at the middle by the linea alba
rectus abdominis muscles
What is the first branch of the abdominal aorta?
celiac artery
The second branch of the abdominal ao?
Which lobe is the smallest lobe of liver?
what is the biggest lobe of the liver?
What part of the pancreas is at the curve of duodenum?