ABD II Test 1 Flashcards
What is a congenital obstruction found in utero?
Uteropelvic Junction obstruction (UPJ) (Per Beth)
Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease (Per Beth)
Posterior Urethral Valves (Per Beth)
Parapelvic cysts are located where?
Renal Hilum
Workbook Pg. 121
Renal sinus
Pg 380
What is the most common solid renal mass found in childhood?
Nephroblastoma or Wilms tumor
p. 387
In cases of nephrocalcinosis, calcium deposits are usually found in what part of the kidney?
Usually located in the medulla but infrequently can be seen in the renal cortex
p. 403
What is it called when the lower poles of the kidney fuse together?
Horseshoe kidney
p. 371
What is the most echogenic portion of the kidney?
Renal sinus
p. 359
What is the cystic enlargement that forms at the distal end of the ureter?
p. 373
What is the sonographic appearance of chronic pyelonephritis?
It is hard to distinguish between the cortex and medulla
Google: Quizlet
A cortical bulge on the lateral border of the kidney is called what?
Dromedary hump
p. 366
Dilated renal pelvis without ureteral dilitation is?
Non-Obstructive Hydronephrosis
Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction
Pg 713
Which of the following is a clinical finding most likely the reason for a renal artery duplex exam?
Hypertension (Per Beth)
How long after a renal transplant is a baseline sonographic exam preformed?
48-72 (Per Beth)
This is a common finding in people over the age of 50
Simple Renal Cyst
Pg. 379
What is the dilatation of the renal pelvis with thinning of the renal cortex?
Pg 397-398
Renal vein thrombosis may be recognized in a patient with this abnormality
Wilms Tumor
Pg. 388
With this, ureteral jets are unable to be identified
Urethral Obstruction (Per Beth)
What is the process of disposing metabolic wastes?
p. 358
What is present in urine whenever there is extensive damage or destruction of the functioning erythrrocytes?
p. 359
The left kidney is in contact with what structures?
L. Adrenal Gland Spleen Stomach Pancreas Descending Colon Jejunum Pg. 356
The right kidney is in contact with what structures?
R. Adrenal Gland Liver Duodenum R. Colic Flexure Small Intestines Pg. 356
The outside renal capsule is known as?
Perinephric Fat
Pg. 356
Also Workbook Pg. 120
Triangular-shaped lesion on the peripheral border of the kidney
Junctional Parenchymal Defect
Pg. 366
Also Workbook Pg. 121
Where does the left renal vein course?
anterior to the aorta
p. 357
What is the vessel that that is seen posterior to the IVC in a cross sectional view?
Right renal artery
p 357
Renal sonography is not helpful in evaluating what?
the function of the kidney
Renal carcinoma invades the IVC via…
Renal Vein
Pg. 385
I think its technically Right Renal Vein but I dont see it in the book so i cant say for sure
What is pyonephrosis?
Pus found within the collecting system. Often associated with urosepsis and is secondary to long-standing ureteral obstruction. It is an emergency situation.
Pg. 401
Dilation of the renal pelvis may be caused by what?
Pg 397
What is the benign vascular tumor of the kidney?
Renal Angiomyolipoma
Pg. 388
What is the normal size of the kidney?
9-12 cm long
5 cm wide
2.5 cm thick
p. 355
Where are the kidneys located?
Retroperitoneal cavity or retroperitoneum
p. 355
Hydronephrosis may be best demonstrated by which sonographic patterns?
Fluid filled pelvocaliceal collecting system (Per Beth)
Pg 397
When does Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease occur? (children or adults)
p. 382
Know all about the kidneys
- located in retroperitoneum
- 9-12cm long, 5 cm wide, 2.5 cm thick
- excretion and regulating composition of blood
What is the most common region for renal ectopia?
The pelvis
p. 369
What does not produce a complex sonographic appearance?
Simple cyst?
Pg 379
What is the normal measurement of the bladder wall?
3-6 mm
Pg. 374
Describe bladder diverticulum
Herniation of the bladder wall; outpouchings may be singular or multiple and are thinner than the normal bladder wall. Can be congenital or acquired; Acquired is an outpouching of bladder mucosa between muscle bundles caused by increased intravesicle pressure. Congenital is rare, originate at the posterior angle of the bladder trigone and contain all components of the bladder wall
p. 419
In an adult, post-void residual should be less than how many cc of urine?
20 ML
Pg. 374
The central cystic region that extends beyond the medial renal border is?
Extrarenal pelvis
Pg 367
What is the space called that is located between the edge of the liver and the right kidney?
Morrison’s pouch
p. 356