abd 3 Flashcards
name the portal triad vessels
Main portal vein
proper hepatic artery (rt)
Common hepatic duct (lt)
what is the direction of the fetal circulation
Umbilical vein → lt portal vein → ductus venosus → ivc
Name the spectral analysis presentation
Flow toward transducer = above baseline
Flow away from transducer = below baseline
located in the right intersegmental fissure and divides the anterior and posterior segments of the right lobe
located in the main lobar fissure and separates the right and left lobes
located in the left intersegmental fissure and divides the lateral and medial segments of the left lobe
Intrasegmental in anterior segment of the right lobe and courses centrally in anterior segment of the right lobe
RPV ( anterior branch)
intrasegmental in posterior segment of the right lobe: courses centrally in posterior segment of the right lobe
RPV ( posterior branch)
anterior to the caudate lobe, it separates the caudate lobe from medial segment of the left lobe
LPV (horizontal segment)
Located in the left intersegmental fissure, in divides medial and lateral segments of the left lobe
LPV ( ascending segment)
located in the main lobar fissure, it separates right and left lobes
GB fossa
located in the left intersegmental fissure it divides the caudal aspect of the left lobe into medial and lateral segments
ligamentum teres
located in the left anterior margin of the caudate lobe, it separates the caudate from the left lobe of the liver
ligamentum venosum
what are the three major forms of liver abscesses
most often polymicrobial, accounts for 80% of hepatic abscess cases in the united states
pyogenic hepatic abscess
due to entamoeba histolytica (10% of cases)
amebic abscess
due to candida species (
fungal abscess
the differentiation of a pyogenic abscess from an amebic abscess is difficult how do you decide
if the patient has traveled out of the united states than amebic abscess may be the correct diagnosis
although ___________ infections are not common in the united states, it is estimated that 400,000 infected persons have migrated to the country
what are the four types of portal hypertension
extrahepatic presinusoidal—— portal vein thrombosis
intrahepatic presimusoidal——-schistosomiasis
intrahepatic—————————-cirrhosis (most common)
intrahepatic postsinusoidal——hepatic vein thrombosis
a patient presents with acute right upper quadrant pain and decreasing hematocrit what is the possible diagnosis?
hemorrhagic cyst
list of hyperechoic liver masses
hepatic lipoma
echogenic metastases
focal fatty infiltration
______ ,_______ and ________ are monitured prior to and invasive procedure to ensure proper clotting
PT(INR), PTT, and platelets
what causes gas in the biliary tree
ERCP spincter of Oddi papiliotomy choledochojejunostomy GB (biliary) fistula emphysematous cholecystitis
what structures are in contact with the pancreatic head
IVC CBD AMPULLA OF VATER (terminal end of CBD) GDA Duodenal C loop (2nd portion)
a spreading inflammatory reaction to an infection which forms a suppurative lesion
Although not characteristic of insulinomas and gastrinomas, many pancreatic islet cell tumors are commonly located in the
body and tail
what are the most common sites of involvement for Multiple Endocrine Neoplasio (MEN)
parathyroids (hyperparathyroidism) Pancreatic islet tumors- insulinoma, gastrinoma pituitary glands- prolactinomas adrenal glands- pheochromocytomas thyroid- medullary thyroid carcinoma
How many types of MEN are there
- wermer syndrome
2. sipples syndrome
the head of the pancreas is
anterior to IVC
the head of the pancreas is medial
to the 2nd part of the duodenum
the head of the pancreas is anterior and lateral
to CBD
the head of the pancreas is posterior and lateral
to GDA
the CBD is posterior and lateral to
the head of the pancreas
the GDA is anterior and lateral to
the head of the pancrea
the SMV is to the right of the
the SMV and SMA are posterior to the
neck of the pancreas
the SMV and SMA are anterior to the
3rd portion of the duodenum
the SMV and SMA are anterior to the
uncinate process
the uncinate process is posterior to the
the aorta is posterior to the
body of the pancreas
the celiac axis is superior to the
the splenic vein is posterior/ inferior to
the stomach is anterior and medial to the
splenic hilum
the stomach is anterior to the
pancreatic body and tail
the tail of the pancreas is posterior to the
the tail of the pancreas is anterior to the
upper pole of the left kidney
the splenic artery is superior/ anterior to the
name the renal vascular flow
main renal artery → segmental →interlobar →arcuate →interlobular
name the types of renal cysts
calyceal diverticula that sonographically appear as simple cyst
Pylogenic cysts
cortical cysts that buldge into the central sinus of the kidney
parapelvic cyst
lymphatic cysts in the central sinus
peripelvic cysts
what are the locations of renal cysts
cortical or parenchymal- periphery of kidney
peripelvic- located in the center ( renal sinus)
refers to the typical physical appearance of a neonate as a direct result of oligohydramnios and compression while in utero
Potter syndrome
what are some of the causes of potter syndrome
bilateral renal agenesis ARPKD ADPKD Multicystic renal Dysplasia Obstructive uropathy (posterior urethral valve defect) Early rupture of membranes
Pediatric cancer incidence
Leukemia 35.0% CNS tumors 16.6 Lymphoma 15.0 Neuroblastoma 7.8 Soft tissue sarcoma 7.4 Wilms 6.3 Bone 6.0 Hepatic tumors 1.1
name the hyperechoic renal masses
Mycetoma Angiomyolipoma Blood clots Pyogenic debris Sloughed papilla Renal stones
What is the most common cause of intrarenal (intrinsic) acute kidney injury?
Acute tubular necrosis
what is the normal bladder wall thickness
5mm in nondistended bladder
3mm in a distended bladder
Renal artery stenosis is determined by
Renal artery/ aorta ratio (RAR) > 3.5
Tardus parvus is defined as a
small slow pulse
What are the stages of chronic kidney disease
1 GFR >90mL/ min/1.73m2 NORMAL
2 GFR 60.-89 mL/ min/1.73m2 MILD
3 GFR 30-59 mL/ min/1.73m2 MODERATE
4 GFR 15-29 mL/ min/1.73m2 SEVERE
What is the most common neonatal abdominal mass?
Multicystic Dysplastic kidney
What is the most common neonatal adrenal mass?
Adrenal hemorrhage
What is the most common childhood adrenal mass?
what is the most common childhood renal mass?
what is the order of the testicles
Seminiferous tubules ↓ Tubuli Recti ↓ Efferent tubules ↓ Ductus epidydimis ↓ Vas deferens
what is within the spermatic cord
Vas deferens Cremastic, deferential and testicular artery Pampiniform plexus of veins Lymphatics Nerves
The most common correctible cause of male feritility, 90% are on the left
The prostate is located in the retroperitoneum bordered anteriorly by
the pubic bone
The prostate is located in the retroperitoneum bordered posteriorly by the
The prostate is located in the retroperitoneum bordered superiorly by the
The prostate is located in the retroperitoneum bordered inferiorly by the
Urogenital diaphragm
name the prostate glandular zones
Fibromuscular stroma
Posteriorly located portion of prostate
contains 70% of the prostatic glandural tissue this is the location of most prostate tumors
Peripheral zone
Superiorly located
Contains 25% of the prostate glandular tissue.
Ejaculatory ducts pass through this zone from the seminal vesicles to the urethra
Central zone
contains 5% of the prostatic glandular tissue.
site of origin of benign prostatic hyperplasia
Transitional zone
anteriorly located nonglandular portion of the prostate, not affected by cancer prostatitis or hyperplasia
Fibromuscular zone
What are the retroperitoneal structures?
Kidneys and ureters adrenal glands ascending and descending colon 2,3,& 4th parts of the duodenum pancreas aorta IVC Renal vessels superior messenteric vessels gonadal vessels Lymphatics Prostate Rectum esophagus
what is the abd sandwich
anterior Transvesalis fascia
Anterior parietal peritoneum
Peritoneal space
Posterior perietal peritoneum
Anterior Pararenal space
anterior renal fascia
Perirenal space
Posterior renal fascia
Posterior pararenal space
Posterior transversalis Fascia
the Azygous vein is located on the
the Hemiazygous vein is located on the
the crus of the diaphragm is located anterior to
the aorta
the crus of the diaphragm is located supertior to
the celica axis
the crus of the diaphragm is located posterior to the
Excessive cortisol secretion is associated with
Cushing syndrome
Excessive aldosterone is associated with
Conn syndrome
Excessive androgen
What is the most likely diagnosis in a newborn with an abdominal mass and decreasing hematocrit?
Adrenal hemorrhage
In what direction will the IVC be displaced with a right liver mass?
In what direction will the IVC be displaced with a right renal artery aneurysm?
In what direction will the IVC be displaced with a tortous aorta?
to the right
In what direction will the IVC be displaced with a right adrenal mass
medial/ anterior
In what direction will the IVC be displaced with a right renal mass
medial/ left
Lymphadenopathy typically surrounds vessels, but commonly displaces the IVC and SMA
In what direction will the splenic vein be displaced by a left adrenal gland mass?
In what direction will the bladder be displaced by a hematoma in the pouch of douglas?
With gastric outlet obstruction and dilatation of the stomach, in what direction will wht pancreatic tail be displaced?
In what direction will a mass in the uncinate process displace the smv?
In what direction will a mass in the left lobe of the liver displace the gastroesophageal junction?
the normal intestinal wall is ____________ thick?
name the layers of the gut wall
Muscularis externa
Adventitia (serosa)
what is the typical location of appendicitis
Posterior to the terminal ileum
anterior to iliac vessels
what are the sono characteristics of appendicitis
Non compressible appy
>6mm diameter
what are the characteristics of Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis
Neonatal 3-8 wks
Vomiting (nonbloody, nonbilious) projectile
palpable “olive” shaped pylorus
visible peristalsis
what are the pylorus size criteria?
Muscle thickness >3mm (3-4mm)
Channel length >17mm ( 14-24mm)
cross section diameter 15mm
what is the criteria for intussusception?
6m-3 yrs intermittent abd pain right sided mass vomiting lethargy and irritability ( may be only symptom)
Intussusception in the long view looks like
Intussussception in the trans view looks like ?
a target sign
the strap muscles are ______ to the thyroid
the sternocleidomastoid are ______ to the thyroid
the CCA and IJV are ______ to the thyroid
the minor neurovascular bundle is ______ to the thyroid
the longus colli muscle is ______ to the thyroid
the parathyroid glands are ______ to the thyroid
what are the glands that regulate the thyroid hormones
Thyroid (T4, T3)
Pituitary (TSH)
Hypothalamus (thyrotropin releasing hormone) TRH
with a normal funtioning pituitary and hypothalamus __________goes up and _________ go down, this is considered hypothyroidism
T3, T4↓
with a normal funtioning pituitary and hypothalamus __________ goes down and ___________ goes up this is considered Hyperthyroidism
T3,T4 ↑
Spreads to the lymphatics to nearby lymphoceles
Papillary carcinoma
spreads via the bloodstream
Follicular carcinoma
Secretes calcitonin and is associated with multiple endocrine Neoplasia syndrome
Medullary carcinoma
what are the features associated with thyroid cancer
microcalcification solid hypoechogenicity Irregular margins Absence of halo Intranodule central vascularity taller than wider
Primary Hyperparathyroidsm (parathyroid adenoma) increases __________ and ___________
↑serum parathyroid hormone (parathyroid hyperplasia)
↑ serum calcium
Secondary hyperparathyroidism ( parathyroid hyperplasia) had increased ____________ and decreased ___________
↑serun Phosphates
serum calcium
Cystic hygromas are associated with?
Turner syndrome
Trisomy 21,18,13
Klinefelter syndrome (xxy)
name the vessels of the aortic arch?
innominate artery (brachiocephalic)(rt carotid & rt subclavian)
Left common carotid artery
left subclavian artery
There is only ____ innominate ( rt) artery and _____ innominate veins
one and two
in the abscence of gas within a collection , differentiation of and abscess from a hematoma is by
percutaneous aspiration
what are the risk factors for hip dysplasia
Female First born Frank breech presentation Family history of DDH Oligohydramnios
a stress maneuver where dislocation of the hip by adducting and pushing the leg posteriorly
Stress maneuver where relocation of the dislocated hip by abducting the legs, a palpable “clunk” is noted as the femoral head slips back into the socket
Beta angle is
Alpha angle is
> 60 degrees
lymphoma is noted to displace the IVC and SMA
a result of bleeding from the superior and inferior epigastric vessels (superior and inferior to umbilicus) or from a tear of the rectus muscle a recognized complication of anticoagulation therapy
Rectus sheath hematoma
labs found in hepatitis
labs found in Amebic abscess
labs found in Cirrhosis:
labs found in Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)
labs found in hepatoblastoma
↑GGT + ↑ALP=
biliary obstruction
↑GGT + ↑ALT=
hepatocellular disease
labs with biliary obstruction and Choledocholithiasis
Labs with cholangitis
labs with Primary sclerosing Cholangitis
labs in Primary BIliary Cirrhosis
labs in acute attacks of pancratitis
serum amylase
serum lipase
labs in pancreatic carcinoma
↑CONJUGATED BILIRUBIN ↑ALP ↑GGT ↑serum amylase ↑serum lipase
what raises later and lasts longer
Labs for a seminoma
↑Beta hCG
labs for a neuroblastoma
Lab analysis for a paracentesis or a thoracentesis should include
Total protein LDH Cell count and differantial Gram stain Aerobic and Anaerobic bacterial cultures cytology
the left lateral is segments
II and III
the left medial is segments
IVa and IVb
the right anterior is segments
V and VIII
the right posterior is segments
VI and Vii
the right hepatic lobe is supplies by the
right portal vein
the left hepatic lobe is supplied by the
left portal vein
the caudate lobe is supplied by
both right and left portal veins
the caudate lobe is posterior to the
ligamentum venosum and porta hepatis
the caudate lobe is anterior and medial to
the IVC
the caudate lobe is lateral to
the lesser sac
in the event of caudate enlargement the IVC may be
Which lab value is most sensitive to hepatocellular disease?
An increase in AST without ALT is seen with
Myocardial infarction
Which lab value is specific for obstructive jaundice?