AAD benign skin lesions Flashcards
if you are unsure if something is seborrheic keratosis, what can you do? (2)
pick/scratch it– it would crumble and reveal the superficial waxy character
dermoscopy– keratin pseudocysts (small white circular spots)
multiple small hyperpigmented, sessile to filiform smooth surfaced papules that arise in darker skin usually on cheeks and temples
dermatosis papulosa nigra (SK variant)
how is dermatosis papulosa nigra treated
very light electrodessication
small harmless white-gray SKs on dorsal feet/ankles of older light-skinned people
stucco keratoses
4 ways to treat stucco keratoses
OTC ammonium lactate lotion/cream
skin-colored to brown, pedunculated, fleshy papules that is normally asymp but can be painful if irritated or secondary to infarction
acrochordon (skin tags)
where can you find skin tags
eyelids, neck, axillae, groin
caused by genetics, obesity, friction and more common in pregnancy; may be a marker of insulin resistance
3 ways to electively remove acrochordons
snipping w/ pressure or aluminum chloride
liquid nitrogen for lighter kin
round to oval, SUPERFICIAL BRIGHT RED, dome-shaped PAPULES ranging in size; common acquired vascular proliferation
cherry angiomas
round to oval, SUPERFICIAL BRIGHT RED, dome-shaped PAPULES ranging in size; common acquired vascular proliferation
cherry angiomas
when do cherry angiomas usually develop? where are they most concentrated?
develop in 4th decade and increase in # over time
highest concentration on trunk
what is a traumatized cherry angioma
when cherry angiomas bled or thrombose so they look like melanoma; if unsure biopsy or refer
benign tumor of skin often on extremities; firm, hyperpigmented dome-shaped papules with RIM OF DARKENING PIGMENT
what is the dimple sign and which condition is it associated with?
you pinch both sides of lesion and it dimples d/t scar like tethering of dermis
associated with dermatofibroma