AAC/RCC: Gen. IM (IM Ess.) Flashcards
Orlistat: MOA, use, SE
MOA: inhibits pancreatic lipase ==> decreased fat absorption ==> weight loss
used in obese adults who have tried weight loss with only moderate success
should be used in conjunction with a reduced calorie diet. It is moderately effective in weight loss (2.9 kg [6.4 lb] at 12 months)
-gastrointestinal side effects are common
-more serious adverse effects = severe liver injury and malabsorption of fat-soluble vitamins
Buproprion: uses, effects
- antidepressant
- used in patients who want to quit smoking and/or avoid gaining weight
Medication classes that cause weight gain
- steroids
- psych meds: antipsychotics, lithium, TCAs, some SSRIs
- anti-diabetic drugs/insulin
- anti-seizure meds: valproic acid, carbamazepine
Most important recommendation for long-term weight loss
reduction of caloric intake by 500-1000 calories/day
Criteria for bariatric intervention
- BMI>35 w/comorbidities
- BMI>40 w/ or w/out comorbidities
B12 deficiency findings
- macrocytic anemia
- thrombocytopenia
- mild neutropenia
- inappropriately low reticulocyte count
Follow-up after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass
-twice yearly serum B12, ferritin, folate, vitamin D, and calcium for the first two years, and yearly after that
Risk factors for osteoporotic fx
- old, white lady
- chronic steroids
- +/- trauma
Imaging for suspected spinal fx
Ankylosing spondylitis presentation
- young ( females
- progressive/chronic onset
- morning stiffness
- not relieved with APAP/NSAIDs
AS workup
- AP xray of pelvis and spine
When to image low back pain?
- suspicion for vertebral fx
- rapidly progressive neurologic sx
- evidence of cord compression
- sx of cauda equina (bowel/bladder incontinence, perianal anesthesia)
- infection
- malignancy
Pertussis presentation in adults
- cough >2wks + one of following:
- posttussive emesis
- paroxysms of coughing
- inspiratory whooping
Tx of upper airway cough syndrome
- first gen. antihistamine (e.g. diphenhydramine)
- decongestant (pseudo-ephedrine)
Agents available for smoking cessation
- motivational counseling/support
- nicotine replacement therapy (gum, patch, nasal spray)
- buproprion
- varencicline
Buproprion benefits/contraindications/adverse effects
- Benefits: anti-depressent, decreased weight gain, aids smoking cessation
- contraindications: w/concomitant SSRI/anti-depressant or other psych condition (==> psych agitation/suicidal ideation), seizure disorder
Assessment of response to anti-depressant therapy
- Start SSRI & asses baseline PHQ-9 score
- F/U @ 2-4 wks to assess response and reevaluate P HQ–9 score
- PHQ-9 score decrease by 50% considered partial response
- Partial response or no response:
A. increase dose
B. if maximal dose, switch agents
C. if failure of two trials of monotherapy, use dual therapy - If resolution of symptoms continue therapy for 4 to 9 months
Simple counseling approach for drug abuse
5 A's: Ask Advise Assess Assist Arrange Cinician asks patients about their illicit drug use at every visit, advises them to quit, assesses their willingness or readiness to quit at this time, assists them with a quit plan, and arranges for follow-up
Therapies for cocaine related chest pain/MI
- Nitroglycerin (vasodilation) and aspirin
2. calcium channel blockers and benzodiazepines–help to lower blood pressure heart rate and myocardial oxygen demand
Secondary amenorrhea definition
Absence of menses for greater than three months in a women was previously menstruating
Initial laboratory evaluation in secondary amenorrhea
- pregnancy test
- Serum TSH FSH and prolactin plus/minus serum testosterone and DHEA level
- if negative, progestin withdrawl test
Agents to decrease heavy menstrual bleeding
From most effective to least effective
- medroxyprogesterone acetate
- once daily oral contraceptives
indication for tilt table testing
- Tilt-table testing should be reserved for patients with recurrent episodes of syncope in the absence of known heart disease or in patients with documented heart disease in whom a cardiac cause has been excluded
- Tilt-table testing may also have a role in evaluating patients in whom documenting neurocardiogenic syncope is important (such as in high-risk occupational settings) and differentiating the cause of syncope from neurologic (such as seizure) or psychiatric etiologies