A5 Flashcards
Limbering up/ loosening up
limbering-up exercises
Des exercices / une séance d’assouplissement
softening (d’un linge / cuir)
- softening (d’une position)
* to ask for regulations to be relaxed
demander l’assouplissement d’un règlement
to appease, to assuage, to quench
Procrastination / delaying
to procrastinate / to delay
Having held back from having made a decision for two months, they finally said yes
Ayant atermoyé deux mois, ils ont fini par dire oui
to make an attempt on somebody’s life
attenter à la vie de quelqu’un
To attempt suicide
attenter à ses jours / à sa vie
to undermine somebody’s honour / reputation
attenter à l’honneur / la réputation de quelqu’un
to violate civil rights
attenter aux libertés civiles
• offence against public decency • infringement of personal freedom - violation of human rights - to undermine somebody's power - to commit a breach of the peace
- atteinte aux bonnes mœurs
- atteinte à la liberté individuelle
- atteinte aux droits de l’homme
- porter atteinte au pouvoir de quelqu’un
- porter atteinte à l’ordre public
out of reach
hors d’atteinte
- to relieve / soothe
- to tone down / soften
- to muffle
- to reduce / lighten / to lessen
- to tone down
- memories have become fainter over time
- atténuer
- le temps a atténué les souvenirs
- to dismay / to appal
- I was appalled at his answer
- I found him reeling from the shock of the news
- he looked at them in total dismay
- atterrer
- sa réponse m’a atterré
- je l’ai trouvé atterré par la nouvelle
- il les regarda d’un air atterré
related (parent)
- grouped electoral lists
- the socialists and their allies
- similar
- des listes apparentées
- les socialistes et apparentés
- apparanté
- insurance certificate
- his failure further demonstrates his incompetence
- une attestation d’assurance
- son échec est une nouvelle attestation de son incompétence