A2 Biogeochemical Cycles Review Flashcards
What is the biogeochemical cycle?
-A pathway by which a chemical element or molecule moves through both biotic (biosphere) and abiotic (lithosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere) compartments of earth
What is the rapid cycling of nutrients?
-Nutrients that are cycled from reservoirs (or storage places) pretty quickly
-e.g. carbon from producer to consumer to decomposer
What is the slow cycling of nutrients?
-Cycling of nutrients that occurs when substances accumulate and are unavailable to organisms
-e.g. carbon reservoirs such as fossil fuel deposits take millions of years to form
What are the unique properties of water?
- Excellent carrier of dissolved minerals and other materials
- An affective medium for transferring energy
- A universal solvent
- A relatively high boiling and melting point
- Special cohesive and adhesive properties
- High heat capacity
- Unlike the solid and liquid phases of most substances, frozen water is less dense then liquid water
What is the hydrologic (water) cycle?
-The circulation of water through the atmosphere
List the hydrologic cycle processes
- Evaporation
- Condensation
- Precipitation
- Infiltration
- Surface run off
- Transpiration
- Storage (in atmosphere, ice, snow, freshwater bodies, and oceans)
How is the hydrologic cycle linked with the biogeochemical cycles?
-As water travels through biotic and abiotic components of the biosphere is carries a lot of material with it, including chemical nutrients
What is a carbon sink?
-Places that store carbon (ocean is the largest)
-carbon is released during combustion, deforestation
What is the greenhouse effect?
-Trapping of thermal energy by atmospheric gasses (e.g. CO2, H20, O3, etc)
-burning of fossil fuels, forests, etc has increases the release of certain atmospheric gasses, which has increases the greenhouse effect
What is climate change?
-Change in global climate patterns
-caused by increasing greenhouse gasses and greenhouse effect
-effects: raising sea levels, loss of habitats and species diversity, major changes to climate and weather patterns
What is stromatolites?
-Sedimentary rocks made up of ancient dead micro-organisms
Why do organisms require nitrogen?
-Nitrogen is required to make proteins and genetic material (DNA)
Why do organisms require phosphorus?
-All organisms require phosphorus as a part of DNA and ATP (the energy carrier essential to all cells)
Does phosphorous cycle through the atmosphere?
-No, unlike carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur phosphorus does not cycle through the atmosphere
Describe algal bloom
- Nutrient runoff (nitrogen+phosphorus)
- Algae grows a lot because of this
- Algae die and decomposers consume them
- Decomposers use up a lot of oxygen
- Aquatic life die because of lack of oxygen
Why do organisms need sulfur?
-All organisms require sulfur as an important component of proteins and vitamins
What is the sulfur cycle?
-Shows how sulfur is converted into different forms as it is transported through the air, water and soil
How is sulfur released?
-Released by decomposition of organic matter, volcanic off-gassing, and human activity