A1: Key Terms Flashcards
an increase in some part of an individual that can be measured
- eg height / weight
the complex changes including increase in skills, abilities and capabilities
Life stages
particular phases someone will go through in their life span
Life span
length of time someone functions from birth until death
areas of development are dependant on / influence each other
Developmental norms
the key milestones that are the stages that every individual is expected to develop at through particular stages in their life
involves an assessment of a child’s abilities, learning and behaviour to ensure that children are making expected progress towards milestones
Gross motor skills
movement that involves using the large muscles in the body
Fine motor skills
actions which require the use of smaller muscles in the hands, fingers and toes
an important status change following the onset of puberty during which a young person develops from a child into an adult
a rapid change in growth and is experienced in males and females
chemical substances produced in the body and transported in the bloodstream that control and regulate cells or body organs
Primary characteristics
relate to the changes and development of the reproductive organs
Secondary characteristics
outward signs of development from a child into a man or woman
physical maturity (in early adulthood is reached)
skills in performing tasks
the ending of female fertility, including the cessation of menstruation and reduction in sex organs
the 4-5 year time period before menopause where the reproductive system produces less oestrogen and eggs
Life expectancy
an estimate of the number of years, on average, that a person can expect to live (sometimes called longevity)