A&P part 6 Flashcards
Posterior gland stores 2 hormones made by neurosecretory cells of hypothalamus
- oxytocin (OT)
- antideuretic hormone(ADH)
Oxytocin is released
In response to stretch placed on cervix during childbirth
Oxytocin affects
- Mother’s uterus- enhances contractions
- Mother’s breasts- stimulates milk ejection by the mammary glands in response to suckling
What affects the amount of ADH secreted?
- blood osmotic pressure
ADH decreases urine output as part of what feedback loop?
Negative feedback loop where osmoteceptors in the hypothalamus monitor blood osmotic pressure
Increasing blood volume causes
- a decrease in ADH secretion
An decrease in blood volume causes
An increase in ADH secretion
Where is the thyroid gland loacted
- It is a butterfly shaped gland located inferior to the larynx and anterior to the trachea
Describe how the thyroid gland looks like
- it has right and left lateral lobes
Follicular cells
Stimulated by TSH to produce T3 and T4
Parafollicular cells
Produces calciton to help regulate calcium homeostasis
Function of Thyroid hormones
Increase basal metabolic rate (BMR)
- helps maintain normal body temp
-stimulates protein synthesis
-increase use of glucose and fatty acids for ATP production
-unregulates beta receptors that attach to catcholamines
-work with hGH abd insulate to accelerate body growth
TRH and TSH from the anterior Pituitary stimulate
Synthesis and release of thyroid hormones in a 5 step process
Lowers blood CA, inhibiting bone resorption by osteoclasts
Parathyroid glands contains 2 types of cells (chief and oxyphil)
Chief (principal cells)- produce PTH
Oxyphil- function not known in normal parathyroid glands, secretes excess PTH in cases of parathyroid cancer