‘New media’/ The digital revolution categories (2)
Development of existing forms of media eg online news
New forms of media eg mobile phones
The global village
McLuhan- allows time and distance to shrink
Virtual communities
Allows people to come together, transforming their identities
Study on online community Cybercity and found that people put just as much effort in in their online relationships as they do in their real life ones
Study on virtual world Second Life- moral questions raised after a woman reported being raped on this game
Social networks in employment
Relied on for creating and maintaining work based relationships
People without access can be at a major disadvantage
Aspects of big data (5)
Complexity Velocity Variety Volume Variability
Media convergence
Refers to the way that different kinds of information can be combined and delivered in one format
Digitalisation allows media convergence
Marxist perspective on digital communications
Believe that it allows the ruling class to exploit the lower classes Media has the biggest platform to shape people's ideas
Cornford and Robbins
‘The Continuation of power being concentrated in the hands of the few’
Argues that it is run by capitalists to make a profits and used to control the masses
‘The continuation of power being concentrated in the hands of a few’
Cornford and Robins
Who said that digital communication is simply a way of capitalism controlling the people more subtly?
Cornford and Robins
To understand society, we must understand chains of interaction between people
Micro sociological approach helps us learn how others see the world
Digital communication in a postmodern world allows people to manipulate and update their autobiography continually
Hart (1)
People are writing and rewriting their autobiographies on a daily basis to reflect the values of society
New social media makes it hard to remove mistakes- a challenge to adolescents
Hart (2)
Facebook posts are insignificant and superficial, but we can use posts to understand people’s feelings and actions
Postmod sociologists for developments in the digital world
Bjorklund, Hart, Case, Collins
Someone who is watched is less likely to commit a crime
Study on Cybercity
Study on Second Life
Digitalisation allows for media convergence
Digital communication is a way of capitalism controlling the people more subtly
Cornford and Robins
Chains of interaction
Digitalisation allows people to manipulate and update their autobiography continually
People are writing and rewriting their autobiographies on a daily basis to reflect the values of society
Social media makes it hard to remove mistakes
Facebook posts are insignificant and superficial
Someone who is watched is less likely to commit a crime
What does Castells say about global networks?
Has allowed for more digital power of the socio-economically elite
Global networks have allowed for more digital power of the socio-economically elite
Who came up with the five aspects of big data?
The digital revolution has meant apps have adapted to changes
What does Poutney say about the digital revolution?
Has allowed apps to develop changes
What does Carter say about virtual communities ?
People put in just as much effort into their virtual lives as their real lives
What does Boellstorff say about virtual communities ?
Raises questions about the ethics
What does Poutney say about the global village?
Has allowed people to maintain relationships
Who argues that the global village has allowed people to maintain relationships?
Who argues that ‘cybercities’ create a confined space (global village)?
Carter on global village
Cybercities create a confined space