__Y6 Resp Flashcards
Resp causes of clubbing
Supparative - Bronchiectasis, abscess, empyema, CF
Malignancy - Lung cancer, mesothelioma
Pulmonary fibrosis
Differentiating between pulm fibrosis crackles and mucus plugging?
Get patient to cough
If sounds clear (or change) with coughing then likely related to broncheictasis or mucus plugging
↓air entry, dull perc, ↓vocal res
Bronchial breathing (±crackles), dull perc, ↑vocal res
Fine crackles, clubbed
Pulmonary fiboriss
Coarse crackles, clubbed, ++phlegm
Obstructive vs restrictive
+ examples of each
FEV1/FEV ration <70% = obstruction (fixed: COPD, reversible: asthma)
FEV1/FVC ratio >70% = restrictive or normal (fibrosis, ILD, thoracic restriction)
Different types of CT and indication for each?
High resolution - more detail, bigger slices
eg. bronchiectasis or IPF
Volume CT - lower quality but thinner slices
eg. nodules, lung cancer
can give contrast (vasc)
CXRshows ring shadows and tramlines?
Bronchiectasis on CXR?
Ring shadows and tram lines
Cardinal signs of hyperinflation x3
Reduced cricosternal distance
Loss of cardiac dullness
Displaced liver edge
COPD classification system?
Name of criteria for pulm effusion transudate/exudate
Light’s criteria
includes serum/pleural fliud protein, serum/pleural fluid LDH
Pink face, fine tremor, tar staining
Symmetrical hyperinflate chest expansion
Widespread polyphonic expiratory wheeze
pink face with secondary polycythaemia vera
COPD vs asthma x5
Airway reversiblity
Diurnal variation in asthma, variable breathlessness
COPD almost all smokers
COPD rare
Grading of SOB
MRC scale 1-5
1: SOB strenuous exercise
2: hurrying or hill
3: walks slower than contemporaries
4: stops after walking 100m or few mins
5: SOB on ADLs/too breathless to leave house
When to give long term O2 threapy?
- non smoker and PaO2 <7.3 despite max tx
- PaO2 7.3-8 + PPPP: Peripheral oedema, pulm HTN, PCV, Poor O2 at night
- Terminally ill pt
Define bronchiectasis?
Chronic permanent dilatation of the bronchi
Caused by repeated cycles of airway infection and inflammation
Causes of bronchiectasis
Infections - bacterial pneumonia, TB, viruses
Congenital - CF, A1-AT, Kartegner’s
Clubbing + crackles
Bronchiectasis, malignancy, fibrosis, abscess
Clubbing, fine end inspiratory crackles
+ rheumatoid hands
Pulmonary fibrosis
Pulmonary fibrosis on CT?
Ground glass shadowing
Bibasal reticulonodular shadowing on CXR
If advanced – honeycombing of the lung
Causes of pulmonary fiboriss
Specific - occupational (/environmental pollutants), hypersensitivity pneumonitis (bacterial/fungal), drugs (methotrexate, steroids, amiodarone, chemo, isoniazid), infection
Systemic (CTD) - RA, SLE, sarcoid, UC
Other - idiopathic PF
Pleural effusion
Transudate vs. exudate?
protein level and causes?
Transudate (<25g/L albumin) → cardiac failure, renal failure, liver failure (low alb)
Transudate more likely if bialteral
Exudate → infection, malignancy, autoimmune, infarction (PE), inflammation, iatrogenic (drugs e.g. nitrofurantoin)
Use Light’s criteria - includes pleural fluid protein:serum protein, pleura LDH:serum LDH
Consolidation on x-ray where you cannot see the R heart border?
Middle lobe
Score for pneumonia severity
Confusion Urea >7 RR >30 BP <90/60 >65 years
Mode of death in tension pneumothorax
IVC compression
Signs of CO2 retention (x5)
Flap/asterixis Bounding pulse Vasodilatation (warm hands) Papilloedema (late sign) Mental changes - confusion, drowsiness, LOC
Life threatening acute asthma exacerbation signs
Any one of:
O2 <92%
PEFR <33%, Arrythmia Altered consciousness Cyanosis Confusion Exhaustion/poor resp effort Silent chest
Acute severe asthma exacerbation signs
Any of:
PEFR 33-50%
HR >110
Inability to complete full sentences
Accessory muscle use
Management of acute COPD exacerbation
- Salbutamol 5mg/4h and Ipratropium 0.5mg/6hr nebs
- Hydrocortisone 200mg IV AND Prednisolone 30mg PO (continue for 7-14 days)
- Abx if evidence of infection (amoxicillin, alt. clarithro/doxy)
- Physiotherapy for sputum expectoration
Controlled oxygen therapy if SaO2 <88% or PaO2 <7 kPa
Features of Pancoast’s syndrome (x3)
L sided apical lung tumour
Horner’s syndrome
Wasting of small muscles of hand
Endocrine manifestations of lung cancer
Ectopic ACTH → Cushing’s syndrome
SIADH → hypernatraemic
PTHrP → hypercalcaemia