9.5 McCurnins Flashcards
Nutrients are most commonly listed as _____ on pet food label.
Many animals will consume more water than is necessary for daily functions with the excess being excreted by?
the kidneys in the urine
Animals and humans are composed of approx. ____ % of water by weight?
50 - 70%
Proteins are not stored in the ___ but are broken, used and ____.
body, excreted
What essential fatty acids, including ____acid, are required in the diet of dogs and cats?
Carbohydrates are broken down into ____ and stored as ____ in the liver and muscle.
____ ____ require Vitamin C in their diet.
Guinea pigs
because they can’t synthesize Vit. C
The expression “as fed, dry matter and metabolizable energy” are not ____ and are ____ measurements.
Neonatal puppies can be ___ fed if done correctly.
What can be offered to puppies at weaning age?
a gruel-type diet that consists of canned fooded blended with water
Spayed or neutered animals have ____ energy needs than intact animals.
Adult spayed/neutered tend to lose their ___ inhibition and eat more and easily gain weight
High ____ diets have not been proven to cause lower urinary tract disease in cats.
TPN, total ____ nutrition, is administered through a central ____ catherter because of the high osmolality of the solution.
Force feaeding or syringe feeding a sick animal is usually not ____.
What is a nutrient?
something essential that a plant or animal obtains from the environment for growth and maintenance of life
What is energy density?
The kcal per unit of a food ingredient or pet food
What is amino acids?
the small molecules that are the building blocks of proteins
What is metabolizable (maintenance) energy?
an estimated daily energy requirement for a healthy animal with daily activity and exercise
What is palatability?
refers to the tasty and acceptable properties of a dog food
What is Atwater factors?
the estimated energy (caloric) content assigned to the three macronutrients
What is assisted feeding?
providing nutritional support to a sick, injured, or hospitalized pet
What is resting energy requirement?
a widely used estimate of energy expenditure by a normal animal at rest
What is fatty acid?
a component of triglycerides that may be synthesized by the body or required in the diet of an animal
What is metabolizable energy
result of subtracting the energy lost in urine and gases produced by the body from the digestible energy (DE) of a food or diet
What is body condition score?
a method that is used regularly to assess the weight gain or weight loss of an animal
What is lipid?
Molecules that provide and store energy, make up cell membrane structure, and act as signaling agents and hormones
What is a Kilojoule?
a measure of energy defined as the energy needed to move 1 kiologram weight 1 meter by 1 Newton