93 Domestic and sexual violence: Impacts on health Flashcards
What is gender based violence?
- Violence that is directed against a woman because she is a woman, or violence that affects women disproportionately
- Includes acts that inflict physical, mental or sexual harm or suffering, threats of such acts, coercion and other deprivations of liberty
What are the types of violence against women and girls at pre-birth?
Sex-selective abortion
What are the types of violence against women and girls at infancy?
- Female infanticide
* Neglect (health care, nutrition)
What are the types of violence against women and girls as children?
- FGM/ cutting
- Child abuse
- Malnutrition
What are the types of violence against women and girls at adolescence?
- Forced prostitution
- Trafficking
- Forced early marriage
- Psychological abuse
- Rape
What are the types of violence against women and girls at reproductive age?
- Honor/ dowry killing
- Intimate partner violence
- Sexual assault
- Homicide
- Sex trafficking
What are the types of violence against women and girls at elderly stage?
- Elder/ widow abuse
* Economic abuse
What is domestic abuse?
- Occurs within a current or previous intimate relationship
- Can be physical, sexual or emotional and includes controlling and coercive behaviours
- Most victims are women, men can also experience DA, occurs in same sex relationships
- AKA domestic violence, intimate partner violence, spouse abuse, battering, wife beating
% of adult female homicide victims vs male victims murdered by current or ex-partner
50% female vs 12% male victims
What is the lifetime prevalence rates of domestic abuse for women? (Home Office 2015)
~ 25%
What fraction of children on the at risk register live with domestic abuse?
What fraction of women who experience DA are assaulted for the 1st time whilst pregnant?
When are women at highest risk of domestic homicide?
Whilst pregnant or post-partum
What % of maternal deaths occurred in women who disclosed DA?
Most cases of rape or sexual assault are carried out by who?
Someone known to the victim
How many women have been victims of rape
1/ 20
How many rapes result in conviction?
6% of reported rapes result in conviction (4% in Scotland)
When did rape within marriage become illegal in Scotland?
Violence against women is increasingly documented as a weapon used to…
Humiliate and intimidate civilians and as tactics in ethnic cleansing
What is stalking and harassment?
Means intentional behaviour, involving more than one incident, which causes fear, upset or annoyance to the victim
Examples of stalking and harassment
- Surveillance
- Unwanted phone calls and text messages
- Unwanted gifts and cards
- “Cyber” stalking
- Threatening emails, letters, calls or texts to family and friends
- Damage to property
Examples of harmful traditional practices?
- Female genital mutilation (FGM)
- “Honour” based violence
- Forced marriage
- Dowry related abuse
Examples of commercial sexual exploitation?
- Prostitution
- Trafficking
- Pornography
- Lapdancing, pole-dancing, stripping
- Saunas, brothels, massage parlours
All have links to organised crime, child exploitation and human trafficking
What % of child sexual abuser are men?
90% regardless whether the child is a boy or girl
How common is childhood sexual abuse (CSA)?
- 1: 4 women
* 1: 5 men
Impacts of GBV on physical health?
- Injuries
- Disability
- Impaired immunity
Impacts of GBV on mental health?
- Anxiety
- Phobias
- Depression
- Addictions
Impacts of GBV on reproductive health?
- STIs
- Infertility
- Miscarriage
- Pregnancy complications
- Poor birth outcomes
Public health approaches to the elimination of GBV?
- Educational programmes to address entrenched societal attitudes and beliefs which reinforce gender innequality
- National campaigns to raise awareness of GBV and promote support services
- National campaigns to encourage non-abusing men to challenge sexist behaviours and attitudes which reinforce gender inequality
- Ensure health services are responsible to those affected by all forms of GBV and offer appropriate care and support
What are principles of good practice?
- Safety of women and children is paramount
- Treat people with respect and dignity at all times: listen and avoid being judgmental
- Only ask a woman abuse if she is alone the only exception being a professional interpreter
- Document your findings accurately and fully
- Recognise the skills and contributions of other agencies
- Keep yourself and your colleagues safe