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> 49 Drug and alcohol dependency > Flashcards
49 Drug and alcohol dependency Flashcards
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Study These Flashcards
(95 decks)
1 Oral cavity
2 Pharynx
3 History taking: abdomen
4 Overview of GI physiology
5 Ethics - global health
6 Abdominal wall, inguinal region and hernias 1
7 Abdominal wall, neuromuscular hernias 2 and incisions
8 Peritoneal and GI development 1
9 Psychosomatics: irritable bowel syndrome
10 GI tract motility: chewing and swallowing
11 Children and young people
12 Peritoneal and GI development 2
13 History taking: GU
14 Anatomy of oesophagus, stomach and duodenum
15 GI tract motility: motility of stomach, small and large intestine
16 Gut microbiota and immunity
17 Salivary and gastric secretions
18 Anatomy of jejunum, ileum and large intestine
19 Secretions of pancreas and small intestine
20 Gastrointestinal absorption and secretion
21 Intro to ultrasound imaging
22 Structure of the liver, gall bladder, biliary tract and pancreas
23 Clinical examination of the abdomen/ GU
24 Gastro-oesophageal inflammation and peptic ulceration
25 Molecular basis of colon cancer
26 Gastrointestinal tumours (upper tract)
27 Treatment of peptic ulcers
28 Bacterial and viral infections of the gastrointestinal tract
29 Protozoal and helminthic infections of the gastrointestinal tract
30 Drug absorption
31 Obesity
32 Treatment of vomiting and gut motility disorders
33 Anti-helminthic
34 Spleen and the portal venous system
35 Gastrointestinal tumours (lower tract)
36 Liver function and LFTs
37 Global health (GI infections)
38 Imaging of the GI tract
39 Hepatobiliary and pancreatic disease
40 Inflammatory bowel disease
41 Viral hepatitis
42 Property: who owns your body?
43 Development of the urogenital system
44 Structure of the urinary system including bladder
45 Glomerular filtration and its control
46 Health promotion (alcoholic liver disease)
47 Obligatory reabsorption and secretion in the proximal convoluted tubule
48 Urinary tract infections
49 Drug and alcohol dependency
50 Producing a concentrated or dilute urine
51 Control of reabsorption and secretion in the nephron
52 Today’s word on the street is… Bicarbonate
53 Pathology of the kidney, ureters and bladder 1
54 Clinical aspects of acid-base control
55 U and Es
56 Action of diuretics
57 Pathology of the kidney, ureters
58 Patient Involvement
59 Integration
60 Healthcare Resources
61 In Vitro Fertilisation
62 Steroid hormone biosynthesis
63 Development of the reproductive system
64 Testis, epididymis, spermatic cord
65 Spermatogenesis
66 Pelvic diaphragm. Nerves and arteries of the pelvic cavity
67 Male pelvic viscera
68 Production of seminal fluid
69 Reproductive pathology: male
70 Oogenesis and follicular development
71 Dysfunction of the male system
72 Female pelvic viscera
73 Prenatal testing
74 Urogenital triangle
75 Rectum and anal canal
76 Screening and prevention of STI
77 Drugs affecting reproductive function
78 Puberty
79 Hormonal control the of the menstrual cycle
80 Menstrual cycle and menstrual disorders
81 Coitus, fertilisation and preimplantation
82 Placentation and implantation
83 Genetic counselling
84 Effect of pregnancy on maternal physiology
85 Parturition
86 Uterine motility
87 Early mother/ child interaction
88 Molecular basis of breast cancer
89 Drug metabolism and elimination
90 Sexually transmitted infections
91 Lactation
92 Reproductive pathology: female 1
93 Domestic and sexual violence: Impacts on health
94 Reproductive pathology: female 2
95 Infections in the pregnancy and neonates