67 Male pelvic viscera Flashcards
What is the bladder and where does it lie?
- Hollow muscular sac
* Sits on pelvic floor/ diaphragm posterior to pubic bones
How does the bladder fill and empty?
- Fills when its detrusor muscle relaxes
* Empties when its detrusor muscle contracts
What passes through the urogenital triangle?
Location of bladder apex?
- At upper aspect of pubic symphysis
* ~ 5-7cms above pubic symphysis when bladder is full
Surfaces of bladder?
- (Postero) - Superior
- Inferolateral x 2
- Base (trigone)
What structure extends from the apex of bladder?
Median umbilical ligaments - remnant of embryonic urachus
How is ureteric reflux prevented anatomically?
- The ureters pass through the bladder wall obliquely, creating a flap valve that prevents urine that is in the bladder from backing up and returning into the ureter (ureteric reflux)
- Pressure of urine in the full bladder, forcing the ureters closed
Male bladder anatomical relations of base of the bladder?
- Related to prostate glands and it lies on the pelvic floor/ diaphragm
- Internally the base of the bladder is seen as the trigone between the ureteric orifices and internal urethral orifice
Composition of bladder wall?
- Formed by detrusor muscle
* Lined by transitional epithelium or urothelium (urine-proof and allows distension)
Difference in mucous membrane over the detrusor vs trigone
- Mucous membrane is loose over the detrusor
* Smooth and more fixed over the trigone
What does the male have to prevent semen backflow into bladder?
- Preprostatic smooth muscle (involuntary) - internal urethral sphincter (sympathetic)
- Contracts during ejaculation to prevent retrograde ejaculation
What aspect of the female anatomy contributes to urinary continence?
The bladder neck is above the pelvic floor so that the pressure of pelvic organs as well as the levator ani contribute to urinary continence
What structures provide support to the bladder?
Fibromuscular and fascial condensations from the bladder, prostate and urethra to the pubis, lateral pelvic walls, rectum and sacrum that support the bladder
• Puboprostatic (male) ligament
• Pubovescial (female) ligament
Rectovesical pouch?
In males separating the rectum from the bladder
Rectouterine pouch (of Douglas)
In females separating the rectum from the uterus
Vesicouterine pouch
In females separating the bladder from the uterus
Where about of bladder is there no peritoneum?
Bladder peritoneal relations
- Retroperitoneal
- As the bladder distends it pushes the peritoneum superiorly and posteriorly with the bladder then lying directly behind the anterior abdominal wall
Suprapubic catheter safe when?
Safe when bladder has distended up against anterior abdominal wall
Male bladder relations
• Peritoneum
• Ileum
• Sigmoid colon
• Rectovesical pouch
• Rectum
Arterial supply of the bladder?
- Anterior trunks of internal iliac artery
- Internal iliac artery
- Obturator artery
- Inferior gluteal artery
- Superior vesical artery
- Inferior vesical artery (males) replaced by vaginal (females)
Venous drainage of the bladder?
- Vesical venous plexus drains into the internal iliac veins via the inferior vesical veins
- Males: vesical venous plexus is continuous with the prostatic venous plexus that also drains into the internal iliac veins
From the prostate there are valve-less venous communications (Batson venous plexus) with the internal vertebral venous plexus that may facilitate ____?
Tumour spread
Lymphatic drainage of the bladder?
Mainly to external iliac nodes (with some to internal and common iliac)
Nerve supply of the bladder?
- Pelvic plexus (anterior part):
- passes the rectum to reach bladder - Parasympathetic:
• Detrusor muscle
• Afferent and efferent derived from pelvic splanchnic nerves (S2, 3, 4) that reach this muscle via pelvic plexus - Sympathetic:
• Preprostatic internal urethral sphincter and some to detrusor
• Derived from T12, L1, L2, and then via the pelvic plexus
2 options for bladder catheters
- Urethrally (most common)
- Suprapubically
What can repeated childbirth do to the pelvic floor/ diaphragm?
• Weaken the pelvic floor. diaphragm
• Allows the bladder to drop
=> affecting urinary continence
• Bladder calculi also not uncommon
What happens to the superficial fascia/ subcutaneous tissue in male pelvis?
- Camper’s fascia replaced by dartos muscle in scrotum
- Scarpa’s fascia extends into the scrotum as Colles’/ perineal fascia - fuses with the fascia late of thigh below the inguinal ligament and with the perineal body posteriorly
Injury to the male bladder and urethra (particularly anterior urethral injuries)?
- May lead to urine extravasation/ bruising trapped under Scarpa’s and Colles’/ perineal fascia
- Spread of urine/ bruising is limited to the lower anterior abdominal wall, upper thighs, penis and scrotum anteriorly with no extension posteriorly as the Colles’/ perineal fascia fuses to the perineal body
- Butterfly wing patter of bruising (“blue swimming trunks”)
Preprostatic urethra?
- In bladder neck
- Internal urethral sphincter
- Smooth muscle - involuntary
• ~ 0.5-1.5 cm from bladder neck to upper aspect of verumontanum/ seminal colliculus
Prostatic urethra?
• Receiving ejaculatory duct
- ~ 3-4 cm
- Descends through anterior prostate
- Has a urethral crest with the veumontanum/ seminal colliculus that has the prostatic utricle and ejaculatory duct openings on each side
Membranous urethra?
Surrounded by external urethral sphincter (striated muscle)
Spongy urethra?
In bulb of penis (bulbar urethra) and corpus spongiosum (penile urethra)
List of male urethra
- Preprostatic - internal urethral sphincter
- Prostatic
- Membranous - external urethral sphincter
- Spongy - bulbar and penile
Function of prostate gland?
- Genital function rather than urinary
* Slightly acid seminal secretion
General anatomy of prostate gland?
- Fibromuscular (anterior part) and glandular
- Upside-down pyramid
- In tough capsule supported by puboprostatic ligaments
Anatomical relations of prostate gland
- Base
- Apex
- Posterior surface to Denonvillier’s fascia and rectum
- Anterior surface to pubic symphysis (prostatic venous plexus in-between these)
- 2 infer-lateral surface to pelvic floor/ diaphragm
Lobes/ zones of prostate gland?
- Transition 5% - around urethra, anterior to ejaculatory ducts (BPH)
- Central 25% - posterior to transition, contains ejaculatory ducts
- Peripheral 70% - around transition and central (Ca)
Position and role of the seminal vesicals?
- Left + right seminal vesicles (glands) lie just above the prostate gland between the bladder & rectum
- Secrete seminal fluid to nourish sperm
Formation of ejaculatory ducts?
Dilated ampullary end of the vas/ductus deferens + Duct from the seminal vesicle = Ejaculatory duct (passes through prostate to enter the prostatic urethra)
Blood supply of prostate and urethra?
- Prostate gland + proximal male urethra:
• Inferior vesical (+ middle rectal) - Female urethra:
• Vaginal
• Internal pudendal
Venous drainage of prostate and urethra?
- Prostate gland + proximal male urethra:
• Prostatic venous plexus
• Drains into internal iliac vein - Female urethra:
• Veins equivalent to the arterial supply - e.g. vaginal + internal pudendal veins
Lymphatic drainage of prostate and proximal urethra?
Mainly to internal iliac lymph nodes (prostate may drain to presacral nodes too)
Nerve supply of prostate and proximal urethra?
- Somatic motor for control of striated muscle (external urethral sphincter)
- Autonomic both sympathetic + parasympathetic
- Somatic sensation
- S2, S3, S4 pudendal nerve + its perineal branches: for somatic motor (+ sensory)
- PS: pelvic splanchnic nerve to pelvic plexus (afferent + efferent)
- Sympathetic: from L1 + L2 via superior hypogastric plexus to pelvic plexus (afferent + efferent)
What does sympathetic nerves counteract?
Counteracts parasympathetic control of detrusor to allow bladder filling, but shuts preprostatic internal urethral sphincter for ejaculation
3 stages of micturition (urination)?
- Storage:
• Parasympathetic to detrusor “switched off” in spinal cord to allow bladder to relax + fill - “Full” causes desire to micturate/ urinate:
• Afferents (sensory) to spinal cord, then “M” Centre in pons: stimulates preganglionic, parasympathetic neurones at S2, S3, S4 - Void:
• 1y neurons stimulate 2y neurons in bladder wall ganglia causing detrusor contraction
• Simultaneous relaxation of external urethral sphincter (striated muscle) – pudendal nerve (S2, S3, S4) & contraction of abdominal wall; sensation of urine in urethra maintains the reflex
What is the usual volume (male) in bladder?
- Normal = ~ 400ml
* If reach 500ml: pain in lower abdomen + perineum
What controls detrusor muscle?
- Essentially under parasympathetic control
- Counteracted via the sympathetic to allow the bladder musculature to relax so that the bladder fills without any increase in tension
What is the autonomic stretch reflex?
- Stretch receptors send signals via the parasympathetic pelvic splanchnics (afferents) to cord segments S2, S3, S4
- This triggers reflexes in the parasympathetic efferents (pelvic splanchnics to pelvic plexus & then to bladder wall) to cause detrusor (bladder) contraction
What is the importance of autonomic stretch reflex that prevails in the untrained infant?
Bladder empties automatically when full
Effect of training on on the autonomic stretch reflex of the bladder?
Afferents (sensory) ascend up the spinal cord to trigger cortical inhibition in the frontal lobe; this superimposes cortical control on the “M” (micturition) Centre in the pons that in turn (via reticulospinal & corticospinal pathways) usually controls or stimulates preganglionic parasympathetic neurones at S2, S3, S4 cord segments
Which clinical scenerios result in detrusor control returning to automatic, infant reflex?
Cord transection above S2 or loss of cortical control following a stroke cause a return to the automatic infant reflex (the bladder empties when full)
What clinical scenario results in a paralysed detrusor muscle and the bladder distending until there is overflow incontinence?
If the sacral segments 2, 3, 4 are destroyed, detrusor is paralysed & the bladder distends until there is overflow incontinence