9 - Transposition - minor key to minor key Flashcards
Use this deck to learn Transposition (Major to Major and minor to minor keys), review cadences, chords, scales and intervals. Audio is included to supplement your learning. Master Your Musicianship Skills - Complete Lesson 9 of the matching Ultimate Music Theory Advanced Workbook to enhance your music theory training. UltimateMusicTheory.com
True or False. Transposition is when music is written or played at the same pitch.
False. Transposition is when music is written or played at a different pitch.
True or False. A melody in a Major key can only transpose to a Major key.

True or False. A melody in a minor key can transpose to a Major key.
False. A melody in a minor key can only transpose to a minor key.

True or False. Any notes using accidentals in the given melody must be transposed using accidentals in the new melody.

True or False. Concert Pitch is the note C.
False. Concert Pitch is the note A.
True or False. Concert Pitch is the sounding pitch to which all instruments are tuned.
True or False. All non-transposing instruments sound at Concert Pitch.
True or False. The Orchestral B flat instruments include the B flat Clarinet and the B flat Trumpet.
True or False. When an Orchestral B flat instrument plays C, it actually produces the sound of B flat.

True or False. Music written for an Orchestral B flat instrument can only be written in the key of B flat Major.
False. Music written for an Orchestral B flat instrument can be written in any Key, Major or minor.
True or False. The Orchestral F instruments include the B flat Clarinet and the B flat Trumpet.
False. The Orchestral F instruments include the French Horn and the English Horn.
True or False. When an Orchestral F instrument plays C, it actually produces the sound of F.

True or False. Music written for an Orchestral F instrument can only be written in the key of F Major.
False. Music written for an Orchestral F instrument can be written in any Key, Major or minor.
True or False. When transposing a melody written for a Clarinet in B flat into Concert Pitch, transpose down a Major 2nd.

True or False. When transposing a melody written for a Trumpet in B flat into Concert Pitch, transpose down a Major 2nd.

True or False. When transposing a melody written for a French Horn in F into Concert Pitch, transpose down a Perfect 5.

True or False. When transposing a melody written for an English Horn in F into Concert Pitch, transpose down a Perfect 5.

Name the Key of m.1. Name the Key of m.2. Name the interval of transposition.

m.1 - F Major. m.2 - G flat Major.
Transposed up a minor 2.

Name the Key of m.1. Name the Key of m.2. Name the interval of transposition.

m.1 - C Major. m.2 - E flat Major.
Transposed down a Major 6.

Name the Key of m.1. Name the Key of m.2. Name the interval of transposition.

m.1 - G Major. m.2 - B flat Major.
Transposed up a minor 3.

Name the Key of m.1. Name the Key of m.2. Name the interval of transposition.

m.1 - D Major. m.2 - F Major.
Transposed down a Major 6.

Name the Key of m.1. Name the Key of m.2. Name the interval of transposition.

m.1 - B flat Major. m.2 - F sharp Major.
Transposed up an Augmented 5.

Name the Key of m.1. Name the Key of m.2. Name the interval of transposition.

m.1 - G Major. m.2 - D Major.
Transposed down a Perfect 4.

Name the Key of m.1. Name the Key of m.2. Name the interval of transposition.

m.1 - C Major. m.2 - G flat Major.
Transposed up a diminished 5.

Name the Key of m.1. Name the Key of m.2. Name the interval of transposition.

m.1 - A Major. m.2 - D Major.
Transposed down a Perfect 5.

Name the Key of m.1. Name the Key of m.2. Name the interval of transposition.

m.1 - E Major. m.2 - D flat Major.
Transposed up a minor 7.

Name the Key of m.1. Name the Key of m.2. Name the interval of transposition.

m.1 - F Major. m.2 - A flat Major.
Transposed down a Major 6.

Name the Key of m.1. Name the Key of m.2. Name the interval of transposition.

m.1 - a minor. m.2 - f sharp minor.
Transposed down a minor 3.

Name the Key of m.1. Name the Key of m.2. Name the interval of transposition.

m.1 - b flat minor. m.2 - d minor.
Transposed up a Major 3.

Name the Key of m.1. Name the Key of m.2. Name the interval of transposition.

m.1 - f minor. m.2 - b flat minor.
Transposed down a Perfect 5.

Name the Key of m.1. Name the Key of m.2. Name the interval of transposition.

m.1 - a flat minor. m.2 - b flat minor.
Transposed up a Major 2.

Name the Key of m.1. Name the Key of m.2. Name the interval of transposition.

m.1 - g sharp minor. m.2 - b minor.
Transposed down a Major 6.

Name the Key of m.1. Name the Key of m.2. Name the interval of transposition.

m.1 - g minor. m.2 - f minor.
Transposed up a minor 7.

Name the Key of m.1. Name the Key of m.2. Name the interval of transposition.

m.1 - b minor. m.2 - c minor.
Transposed down a Major 7.

Name the Key of m.1. Name the Key of m.2. Name the interval of transposition.

m.1 - d minor. m.2 - g sharp minor.
Transposed up an Augmented 4.

Name the Key of m.1. Name the Key of m.2. Name the interval of transposition.

m.1 - c minor. m.2 - f sharp minor.
Transposed down a diminished 5.

Name the Key of m.1. Name the Key of m.2. Name the interval of transposition.

m.1 - c sharp minor. m.2 - f sharp minor.
Transposed up a Perfect 4.

Correct or Incorrect. The melody in m.1 is transposed up a Major 2 in m.2.

Incorrect. The interval of transposition is up a minor 2.

Correct or Incorrect. The melody in m.1 is transposed down a minor 3 in m.2.


Correct or Incorrect. The melody in m.1 is transposed up a Major 3 in m.2.

Incorrect. The interval of transposition is up an Augmented 3.

Correct or Incorrect. The melody in m.1 is transposed down a Major 7 in m.2.


Correct or Incorrect. The melody in m.1 is transposed up a diminished 3 in m.2.


Correct or Incorrect. The melody in m.1 is transposed down a Major 2 in m.2.


Correct or Incorrect. The melody in m.1 is transposed up a Perfect 5 in m.2.

Incorrect. The interval of transposition is down a Perfect 5.

Correct or Incorrect. The melody in m.1 is transposed down a minor 6 in m.2.

Incorrect. The interval of transposition is down a minor 7.

Correct or Incorrect. The melody in m.1 is transposed up a Perfect 4 in m.2.


Correct or Incorrect. The melody in m.1 is transposed down a Major 6 in m.2.

Incorrect. The interval of transposition is down a minor 6.

Correct or Incorrect. The melody in m.1 is transposed up an Augmented 3 in m.2.


Correct or Incorrect. The melody in m.1 is transposed up a diminished 5 in m.2.


Correct or Incorrect. The melody in m.1 is transposed up a Major 6 in m.2.


Correct or Incorrect. The melody in m.1 is transposed down a diminished 2 in m.2.

Incorrect. The interval of transposition is down an Augmented 2.

Transpose a B flat Major melody written for French Horn in F to concert pitch. Name the new key.
E flat Major
Transpose an f minor melody written for Trumpet in B flat to concert pitch. Name the new key.
e flat minor
Transpose a D Major melody written for French Horn in F to concert pitch. Name the new key.
G Major
Transpose a b flat minor melody written for Clarinet in B flat to concert pitch. Name the new key.
a flat minor
Transpose an E Major melody written for English Horn in F to concert pitch. Name the new key.
A Major
Transpose a c minor melody written for French Horn in F to concert pitch. Name the new key.
f minor
Transpose an F sharp Major melody written for English Horn in F to concert pitch. Name the new key.
B Major
Transpose a C Major melody written for Clarinet in B flat to concert pitch. Name the new key.
B flat Major
Transpose an A flat Major melody written for Trumpet in B flat to concert pitch. Name the new key.
G flat Major
Transpose a G Major melody written for Clarinet in B flat to concert pitch. Name the new key.
F Major
Transpose an F sharp Major melody written for Trumpet in B flat to concert pitch. Name the new key.
E Major
Transpose a b minor melody written for English Horn in F to concert pitch. Name the new key.
e minor
Name the Major key. Identify the cadence as Perfect (Authentic), Plagal or Imperfect (Half cadence).

C Major
Imperfect (Half cadence)

Name the Major key. Identify the cadence as Perfect (Authentic), Plagal or Imperfect (Half cadence).

E flat Major
Perfect (Authentic)

Name the Major key. Identify the cadence as Perfect (Authentic), Plagal or Imperfect (Half cadence).

E Major

Name the Major key. Identify the cadence as Perfect (Authentic), Plagal or Imperfect (Half cadence).

G Major
Imperfect (Half cadence)

Name the Major key. Identify the cadence as Perfect (Authentic), Plagal or Imperfect (Half cadence).

B flat Major
Perfect (Authentic)

Name the Major key. Identify the cadence as Perfect (Authentic), Plagal or Imperfect (Half cadence).

F Major
Imperfect (Half cadence)

Name the Major key. Identify the cadence as Perfect (Authentic), Plagal or Imperfect (Half cadence).

A Major
Perfect (Authentic)

Name the Major key. Identify the cadence as Perfect (Authentic), Plagal or Imperfect (Half cadence).

A flat Major

Name the Major key. Identify the cadence as Perfect (Authentic), Plagal or Imperfect (Half cadence).

B Major
Imperfect (Half cadence)

Name the Major key. Identify the cadence as Perfect (Authentic), Plagal or Imperfect (Half cadence).

D flat Major
Perfect (Authentic)

Name the minor key. Identify the cadence as Perfect (Authentic), Plagal or Imperfect (Half cadence).

c minor

Name the minor key. Identify the cadence as Perfect (Authentic), Plagal or Imperfect (Half cadence).

f minor
Imperfect (Half cadence)

Name the minor key. Identify the cadence as Perfect (Authentic), Plagal or Imperfect (Half cadence).

b flat minor
Perfect (Authentic)

Name the minor key. Identify the cadence as Perfect (Authentic), Plagal or Imperfect (Half cadence).

g minor
Imperfect (Half cadence)

Name the minor key. Identify the cadence as Perfect (Authentic), Plagal or Imperfect (Half cadence).

g sharp minor
Imperfect (Half cadence)

Name the minor key. Identify the cadence as Perfect (Authentic), Plagal or Imperfect (Half cadence).

e minor
Perfect (Authentic)

Name the minor key. Identify the cadence as Perfect (Authentic), Plagal or Imperfect (Half cadence).

b minor

Name the minor key. Identify the cadence as Perfect (Authentic), Plagal or Imperfect (Half cadence).

f sharp minor
Perfect (Authentic)

Name the minor key. Identify the cadence as Perfect (Authentic), Plagal or Imperfect (Half cadence).

c sharp minor
Imperfect (Half cadence)

Name the minor key. Identify the cadence as Perfect (Authentic), Plagal or Imperfect (Half cadence).

g sharp minor

Name the position of the Dominant 7th Chord.

Dominant 7th Chord of C Major
1st inversion

Name the position of the Dominant 7th Chord.

Dominant 7th Chord of F Major
2nd inversion

Name the position of the Dominant 7th Chord.

Dominant 7th Chord of a minor
root position

Name the position of the Dominant 7th Chord.

Dominant 7th Chord of d minor
3rd inversion

Name the position of the Dominant 7th Chord.

Dominant 7th Chord of E flat Major
root position

Name the position of the Dominant 7th Chord.

Dominant 7th Chord of g minor
1st inversion

Name the position of the Dominant 7th Chord.

Dominant 7th Chord of a flat minor
2nd inversion

Name the position of the Dominant 7th Chord.

Dominant 7th Chord of b minor
root position

Name the position of the Dominant 7th Chord.

Dominant 7th Chord of D flat Major
3rd inversion

Name the position of the Dominant 7th Chord.

Dominant 7th Chord of A Major
1st inversion

Identify the missing Time Signature.

The Time Signature is

Identify the missing Time Signature.

The Time Signature is

Identify the missing Time Signature.

The Time Signature is

Identify the missing Time Signature.

The Time Signature is

Identify the missing Time Signature.

The Time Signature is

Identify the missing Time Signature.

The Time Signature is

Identify the missing Time Signature.

The Time Signature is

Identify the missing Time Signature.

The Time Signature is

Identify the missing Time Signature.

The Time Signature is

Identify the missing Time Signature.

The Time Signature is

Identify the missing Time Signature.

The Time Signature is

Name the minor scale. Identify the technical degree name of the first note.

e minor harmonic scale

Name the Major scale. Identify the technical degree name of the first note.

E flat Major scale

Name the minor scale. Identify the technical degree name of the first note.

a sharp minor melodic scale

Name the Major scale. Identify the technical degree name of the first note.

A flat Major scale

Name the Major scale. Identify the technical degree name of the first note.

C Major scale

Name the Major scale. Identify the technical degree name of the first note.

G flat Major scale
Leading note

Name the minor scale. Identify the technical degree name of the first note.

e flat minor melodic scale

Name the minor scale. Identify the technical degree name of the first note.

a sharp minor melodic scale

Name the minor scale. Identify the technical degree name of the first note.

e minor melodic scale

Name the Major scale. Identify the technical degree name of the first note.

F sharp Major scale

Name the interval.

Major 3

Name the interval.

diminished 4

Name the interval.

Perfect 5

Name the interval.

Augmented 11

Name the interval.

Augmented 9

Name the interval.

minor 10

Name the interval.

Major 13

Name the interval.

Augmented 1

Name the interval.

minor 10

Name the interval.

diminished 14

Name the interval. Change the lower note of the interval enharmonically. Rename the interval.

The intervals are

Name the interval. Change the lower note of the interval enharmonically. Rename the interval.

The intervals are

Name the interval. Change the lower note of the interval enharmonically. Rename the interval.

The intervals are

Name the interval. Change the lower note of the interval enharmonically. Rename the interval.

The intervals are

Name the interval. Change the lower note of the interval enharmonically. Rename the interval.

The intervals are

Name the interval. Change the lower note of the interval enharmonically. Rename the interval.

The intervals are

Name the interval. Change the lower note of the interval enharmonically. Rename the interval.

The intervals are

Name the interval. Change the lower note of the interval enharmonically. Rename the interval.

The intervals are

Name the interval. Change the lower note of the interval enharmonically. Rename the interval.

The intervals are

Name the interval. Change the lower note of the interval enharmonically. Rename the interval.

The intervals are

Explain the musical term accelerando.
accelerando - becoming quicker
Explain the musical term allargando.
allargando - broadening, becoming slower
Explain the musical term a tempo.
a tempo - return to the original tempo
Explain the musical term calando.
calando - becoming slower and softer
Explain the musical term ritenuto.
ritenuto - suddenly slower, held back
Explain the musical term l’istesso tempo.
l’istesso tempo - the same tempo
Explain the musical term Tempo primo.
Tempo primo - return to the original tempo
Explain the musical term meno mosso.
meno mosso - less movement, slower
Explain the musical term rubato.
rubato - with some freedom of tempo to enhance musical expression
Explain the musical term più mosso.
più mosso - more movement, quicker
Explain the musical term rallentando.
rallentando - slowing down
Explain the musical term Tempo primo (Tempo I).
Tempo primo (Tempo I) - return to the original tempo
Explain the musical term ritardando.
ritardando - slowing down gradually
Explain the musical term fermata.
fermata - pause; hold the note or rest longer than its written value
Name the Italian term meaning - becoming quicker.
Name the Italian term meaning - broadening, becoming slower.
Name the Italian term meaning - return to the original tempo.
a tempo, (Tempo primo or Tempo I)
Name the Italian term meaning - becoming slower and softer.
Name the Italian term meaning - suddenly slower, held back.
Name the Italian term meaning - the same tempo.
l’istesso tempo
Name the Italian term meaning - with some freedom of tempo to enhance musical expression.
Name the Italian term meaning - less movement, slower.
meno mosso
Name the Italian term meaning - more movement, quicker.
più mosso
Name the Italian term meaning - slowing down.
Name the Italian term meaning - slowing down gradually.
Name the Italian term meaning - pause; hold the note or rest longer than its written value.