9: Jury trials Flashcards
Accused MUST present @ start trial to plead. Court MUST not proceed without unless
D waived right to attend+ trial =fair.
Exceptions to accused’s presence mandatory:
- Accused’s misbehaviour
- Voluntary absence
- Ill
- Death
Judge MUST warn D at PTPH
of what?:
risk trial continuing without presence.
Discretion to continue without D:
- D’s behaviour
- Adjournment?
- Length adjournment
- Whether D is legal represented
- Whether legal rep can present his defence
- Disadvantage to D
- Risk of jury reaching improper conclusion
- General interest
- Effect of delay on witnesses memories
- Undesirability of separate trials.
What happens where D is misbehaving?
judge warn D, can return to dock later + makes undertaking. D can be held guilty of contempt. D NOT be handcuffed in dock UNLESS: real risk violence or escape + no alternative.
If trial is without D, judge MUST:
- During giving evidence; AND
- Summing-up
Expose weaknesses in pros case and make points for D + direction, absence not = guilt
SICKNESS OF D = Trial not continue UNLESS consent or not unfair. If D ill during trial, judge MUST:
- Adjourn until recovery; or
- Discharge jury
SICKNESS OF D = Trial not continue UNLESS consent or not unfair. If D ill during trial, judge MUST:
- Adjourn until recovery; or
- Discharge jury
BUT exception:
- if several D’s + one sick, trial may continue BUT NOT his own case
- D’s voluntary ingestion of drugs
- D has heart condition, but counsel can argue case effectively and had opp to give written evidence.
What happens where D is unrepresented?
court WILL assist his defence. Where D dismisses counsel + has legal aid during trial, judge MAY grant adjournment. Court MUST tell D end of pros case, his right – give evidence/call witnesses/be silent. Failure = MAY quash.
Restrictions on unrep D: cannot:
- Cross-examine complainants + child witnesses for certain offences
- Court can prohibit cross if circumstances of witness + case merit it + not contrary interest of justice.
Where D objects to Pros evidence on statements:
- D informs pros before pros opens
- Admissibility decided by judge, without jury
- If question how obtained - There many be a “on the voir dire” – both pros + d can call witnesses
- Parties make reps
- Judge announces findings
- Jury return, D can cross examine matters raised in voir dire
What will happen is D voluntarily absent?
Judge likely issue warrant for arrest.
What is an:
Abuse of process =
- D no longer receive fair trial;
- Unfair for D to be tried
MUST be considered separately. (2) requires balance competing interest, NOT (1). Only if pros case = abuse of process + is oppressive +vexatious, court has power.
Galbraith = test for no case to answer:
- If not evidence crime committed = judge stops case
- Evidence of tenuous character:
- Judge concludes pros evidence = jury could not properly convict, MUST stop upon submission no case to answer. E.G evidence inherently weak+tenuous.
- Pros evidence strength/weakness depends on witness reliability = one view = jury could properly convict = judge allow it.
What happens at an opening speech?
pros identify issues + outline evidence. Judge MAY allow def opening after pros.
Pros should not use emotive language. Opening should not address law unless complex. After opening, pros calls witnesses + reads written statements. If pros wishes additional evidence than served, MUST serve copy to others. If one opposes (giving notice) – statement CANNOT be red. 7 dys to object.
What is a s9CJA statement?
S9 CJA statements admissible if all parties agree. Even if admissible, court may require maker – give evidence.
What is s10CJA?
Agreed facts s10 CJA = should be in writing + provided to jury + relevant to issues + not inadmissible.
When pros evidence = such prejudicial effect, parties should “edit” by agreement. Striking out should NOT obscure what being deleted.
If D calls evidence other than accused
D right to opening beginning of D’s case.
Norm accused called first, but court-discretion to depart. Character witnesses MUST called after accused.
A witness waiting to give evidence - what must they do?
Witness waiting give evidence MUST NOT wait in courtroom, unless party or expert.
Judge MAY call witness neither pros or D called, but only in interest of justice.
When must the prosecution make their closing speech?
What must advocates not do:
Pros closing speech before D’s. Advocates MUST NOT make personal criticisms of opponents in closing.
Pros MUST NOT = attack credibility of own witness + comment on serious consequences + D’s spouse not giving evidence.
Summing up includes:
- Direction on law
- Summary of evidence
D on summing up, MUST request good chara direction, not relying on it later.
What Defence closing
CAN advance hypotheses beyond client’s version. NOT refer to consequences of conviction.
Who make provide the jury with a written list of questions?
Judge MAY provide jury = written list questions, but should submit them to counsel.
Judge fails direction?:
- Pros burden of proof; and
- Discharge beyond reasonable doubt
A conviction is liable to be quashed.
Judge must give legal directions:
in what type of cases:
- Self-defence
- Alibi
- Provocation and loss of control; and
- Diminished responsibility
A direction MUST:
- Refer to burden of proof
- Respective role of judge and jury
- Issues of fact
- Summary of evidence
- Arguments on both sides
- Correct statements of inferences.
In summing up, what must the judge do?
Judge MUST identify Defence case.
Judge should not be extravagant or sarcastic., can give opinions.
What is a foreman?
Foreman = spokesman for jury + announces verdict.
What is a judge does not give a direction?
direction verdict must unanimous = NOT necessarily = conviction unsafe.
What is a:
Retirement jury?
What do they do?
jury can ask judge question = note to jruy bailiff -) judge. If note is unconnected to trial = no counsel nor bring jury to court. Otherwise = judge state in open court nature/content + seek advice of counsel.
Retirement jury =
Min majority
Majority verdict NOT be accepted unless considered verdict for 2 hours 10 minutes.
Min majorities: 11-1 or 10-2 OR 10-1 or 9-1. Jury of 9 MUST be unanimous. If verdict = guilty, foreman MUST state no jurors who agreed/dissented.
What if there is a failure in jury size?
Failure jury size = conviction quashed.
Jury MAY convict on alternative offence only:
- Offence expressly charged; and
- Impliedly, includes allegation
Judge in summing up, MAY direct jury can find accused guilty alternative offence, even if pros nor D want this.
If jury no agree = judge discharges after giving verdict. Accused not acquitted but may be retried. Pros asks for retrial (discretion).
9Proof by written statement.
Written statement WILL = admission if:
- signed
- statement of truth
- copy served on each parties; and
- none other parties serves notice objecting statement, within 7 days from service copy.
Court MAY require person to attend court (s9(4)(b). If not mags, court MAY require person attend before hearing.
S10 CJA – formal admission
S10(1) Oral evidence MAY = admitted
and how
S10(1) Oral evidence MAY = admitted pros or D, + admission = conclusive evid. S10(2)An admission made outside court = MUST in writing. If written by individual, MUST signed. If made for D, MUST made by counsel/solicitor. S10(3) – admission = admission in later crim proceedings (inc appeal/retrial). S10(4) = admission MAY be withdrawn with court’s leave.