6: Indictment Flashcards
What is an Indictment?
= sets out charge in CC
. Served indictment is:
‘the indictment’ without being signed.
What is the normal form of an indictment?
Norm: electronic draft indictment when case sent. When uploaded to digital system = “preferred”.
What should a draft indictment do?:
should = served on court +endorsed by court officer + date of receipt added
Draft indict should = served on court +endorsed by court officer + date of receipt added. FAILURE?
Not impugn validity of electronically served indictment.
Who must endorse an electronically served indictment?
CC officer MUST endorse, unless directs otherwise.
Who has ultimate responsibility of the indictment?
the prosecution
Time limit for indict =
28 days on which:
- Copies of doc served where person sent for trial;
- HC judge consented to preferment
QUICKER THAAN 28 dys if pros include counts differing to original D was sent.
7 days before PTPH
How many days before the PTPH must the indictment be served?
7 days before PTPH
hOW MANY DAYS BEFORE THE case is sent to CC does th PTPH take place?
PTPH takes place 28 dys before case sent to CC. CC can extend time, even after expired.
- Each offence charged set out in separate para.
- Each count divided into statement of offence and particulars.
What is
Statement of offence?
describes offence in ordinary language + identifies legislation.
What is
Particulars of offence
factual information + MUST disclose essential elements of offence.
- Date
Count should state date offence occurred. If unknown = reasonable approximation. CANNOT have offence occur more than one day, EXCEPT: If continuous offence, e.g. conspiracy
- No Duplicity
Rule against duplicity = each may allege only one offence
- Severance
Judge MAY sever counts even without valid indict. Indict improperly joined is NOT nullity.
Court officer MUST endorse indict with note identifying copy of indict and date.
Court MAY order separate trial, unless offences: (DISCRETION – no duty)
- Are founded on same facts; or
- Form parties of offences of same or similar character
Founded on same facts TEST=
if charges have common factual origin
Series of offences same/similar chara = look @ legal/factual chara. TEST
some nexus between them.
When may there be a joiner of D?
Two or more D MAY be joined if named together. All D’s to joint offence = no need distinguish principle/secondary parties. No need express acts done in aid = implicit. If pros wish join accused, Consideration if D substantially adversely affected to be abuse of process.
When may there be severance on indictment?
Court MAY separate trial properly joined.
After severance, court MAY postpone trial if necessary + expedient. Procedure as if separate indictment. Severance is discretion = unlikely successful ground of appeal.
When is there a presumption in favour of joint trial?
Where pros case against accused (A1) includes admissible evidence against him but not (A2), no obligation to order severance.
There is a presumption in favour of joint trial.
Amending indictment = Where:
- Indictment defective
Court MUST:
make order for amendment unless it would be unjust.
Samples of continuing course of conduct.
SPECIMEN/SAMPLE COUNTS = Samples of continuing course of conduct.
- D provided with list similar offences
- Evidence
- Additional offence not be referred until guilty verdict.
Where indictment charges more one offence, court may order separate trials if:
- D prejudiced or embarrassed; or
- Desirable.
Amending indictment
Amendment by new Count = ?
YES- if after arraignment, MUST put new counts to accused. Amendment CAN made after close pros case.
Amending indictment
Evidential basis new count =
Not necessary to be founded on material disclosed. Question: if D will be unfairly prejudiced.
Timing amendment ? when can it be done?
Any stage, even where jury have gone into retirement.
What is a
Seeking order from HC that D stand trial in CC for offence. E.G. where proceedings reinstated where charge dismissed, but fresh evidence in light. Voluntary bills of indictment = exceptional and used only where “good reason” to depart from norm procedure, only in interest of justice.
Where mags sent D to CC for trial and draft indict is not generated electronically on sending for trial, pros must serve draft indict on CC not more than
28 days after serving copies.
Where draft indictment served by pros on re-instituting proceeding, must serve not more than
3 moths after proceedings stayed.
Must you sign the indictment?
NO requirements for signature for indictment, but MUST be endorsed with note to identify it and date.
How many indictments can exist at one time?
Two indictments can exist at same time for same offence on same facts. But they cannot proceed on both or be tried together, MUST elect one.
If indictment is defective so struck out, counsel can go to HC and HC can issue voluntary bill of indictment.
Who can be joined in an indictment
joinder of accused:
2 or more D’s MAY be joined in 1 indictment either by named all together or named individually in separate counts.
JOINT COUNTS: All parties in joint offence MAY be indicted in single count, in drafting:
- No need to distinguish principle + secondary parties
- Count need NOT expressly alleged that unlawful acts of each were done in aid of others.
Pros needs to consider if D would be substantially adversely affected, so joinder would = abuse of process. No prohibition on addition of counts of indictment.
Pros should draft joint count where joint enterprise, if co-D act without ref to each other, separate courts are preferable.
Where joint count against 2 D, court MAY separate the counts.