17: D's silence Flashcards
Do lies mean someone is guilty?
Lies – MAY indicate guilt
When pros try to rely on lie to support evid guilt, NOT credibility,
What MAY/MUST be given?
3-fold Lucas direction MUST be given
What is a three-fold Lucas direction?
- Lie must be deliberate and relate to material issue.
- No innocent motive for lie, reminding them people lie to conceal disgraceful behaviour;
- Lie must be established by evidence other than of W
A 3 fold Lucas direction does not need to be given where:
Direction need not be given when:
- It is useless
- D offers explanation for his + judge dealt with this explanation in summing-up.
Where is there a need for a Lucas direction?
Need for direction arises where pros/judge envisages jury may say lie is evidence against D.
Four Burge Situation = Lucas direction norm required where:
- D relies on alibi;
- Judge considers it desirable or necessary;
- Pros seek to show something said, in relation to separate + distinct issue was a lie + rely on lie as evidence of guilt;
- Judge reasonably envisages that real danger jury may do so.
A Lucas direction should be tailed to case but:
- Lie must be admitted or proved beyond reasonable doubt; and
- Mere fact D lied = NOT evidence of guilt, so only if jury SURE D didn’t lie for innocent reasons can lie support pros
What is D’s right to silence?
D’s right against self-incrimination. D NOT compellable witness + under no duty to assist police with inquiries. Adverse inferences MAY be drawn from D’s silence.
What is s34?
Failure to reveal facts: s34 allows tribunal of fact to draw “such inferences as appear proper”.
OUT OF COURT SILENCE s34 – No special warning required for s34.
”. S34 doesn’t apply simply because
D declined to answer question. It also applies where D discloses def, but fails to mention a fact he later relies on = then DISCRETION to give warning.
Failure to give proper direction NOT necessarily involve breach Art 6, nor render conviction unsafe.
S34 doesn’t apply where D =
no attempt to put forward at trial a previously undisclosed fact. To give s34 direction where D put forward no more than bare denial = WRONG. If pros unable establish D failed mention fact – jury directed = draw no inference.
Does a prepared statement apply?
Where D gives “prepared statement” = cannot be said he failed to mention facts.
. Caution or Charge = inferences before suspect charged under s34, MAY or MAY NOT be drawn?
Caution or Charge = inferences before suspect charged under s34, MAY NOT be drawn except “on being Q. under CAUTION by constable”.
Facts which should have been mentioned =
Can adverse inferences be drawn?
adverse inferences MAY be draw from fact subsequently relied on in def on if D could reasonably have been expected to mention.
’s reason for failing to disclose should be explored + explanation advanced in deciding what inferences should be drawn. Adverse inference = only appropriate where jury conclude silence can only sensibly be attributed to D’s having no answer.
What is the position where
Legal advice to remain silent
Legal advice to remain silent DOESN’T preclude drawing of inferences.
TEST for whether legal advice does or doesn’t preclude drawing of inference?
TEST: whether D remained silent “not because of that advice but because he had no or no satisfactory explanation to give”.
If D claims he followed legal advice, should consider age + maturity and complexity of facts.
Where jury “sure” he had no defence and hid behind legal advice = inference may be drawn.
Waiver of privilege + statement = D who wishes to give account of reasons for silence following legal advice may find it hard to do so without waiving privilege. No waiver for bare assertion that he was advised to remain silent, but little weight will be attached unless reasons.
Direction as to permissible inference = Where D could reasonably have been expected to mention fact
what happens?:
permissible to draw “such inferences from failure as appear proper” for determination of guilt. Possible inference:
- Facts invented after interview;
- D unwilling to expose his account to scrutiny;
- D didn’t want to lie or incriminate himself
Where s34 relied, a judicial direction MUST be given.
- Had D relied in his defence a fact that he couldn’t reasonably have been expected to mention
- The explanation
- If explanation not reasonable, if inference to be drawn he is guilty.
If judge thinks s34 might apply, what should happen?
If judge thinks s34 might apply, matter should be raised in time to be subject of evidence not speculation. A direction MAY be called for when more than 1 D.
If D failed to mention relevant fact (attracting s34 direction), it is desirable to give direction not to draw inference against D2.
Relationship with Lucas Direction on lies:
Direction MAY be called in relation to something said by D which pros claim conceals a fact later relied on + constitutes lie. Then may have both s34 direction + Lucas direction. Usually unhelpful to give both; judge should select.
FAILURE TO ACCOUNT FOR OBJECTS, SUBSTANCES, MARKS + PRESENCE S36 + 37 = Neither s36 nor s37 permits inference be drawn unless 4 conditions satisfied:
- D arrested;
- Constable (not necessarily arresting officer) reasonably believes object, substance, mark or presence of D may be attributable to D’s participation in crime (s36 offence ‘specified by constable; in s37 offence he was arrested);
- Constable informs D of belief + requests explanation;
- Constable tells suspect in ordinary language -) effect of failure or refusal to comply with request
Four conditions may be satisfied when person
confronted with incriminating circumstances before taken to police station for interview.
What is unique about s36 and s37?
Under s36 and s37, a special warning should be put to D.
For s36/37 what MUST the jury be satisfied of?:
Jury MUST be satisfied D failed to “account” + explanation advanced = rejected as implausible before inference can be proper. Strength inference increases with suspicion.
What is s36 concerned with?
S36 concerned with state suspect @ time of arrest.
What does neither s36 or s37 permit?
Neither s36 nor s37 permits drawing inferences in respect of location of D at times other than arrest.
When does s37 only apply?
S37 applies only when @ location of crime “at or about the time of commission”.
Inference drawn MAY form part of case to answer or contribute -) guilty verdict = neither outcome may be based “solely” upon inference.
not have proceedings transferred to CC or be convicted solely on inference from failure/refusal to answer.
s36 and s37
- Reminder D was cautioned + said nothing
- –
- Identification of facts not mentioned, but now relied on;
- Any reasons got failure to mention facts; and
- Conclusions which might be drawn
- Instruction to consider if pros case called for answer at time;
- Instruction to draw adverse conclusion if “fair + proper” to do so + not convict D wholly or mainly on strength of it
Does s35 apply to failure to testify?
What must the court do in this case?
S35 inferences from failure to testify are permissive. Court MUST make D aware he can give evidence + consequence if not = MANDATORY even where D not there, judge MUST make direction. Pre-trial process requires at PTPH = D understands right to give evidence. Counsel MUST recover D’s decision not to give evidence + sign it to indicate it was voluntary.
What are
proper” inferences?
D’s whose ‘physical or mental condition make it undesirable’ for them to give evidence are EXCLUDED + whose guilt isn’t in issue.
D MUST answer all proper questions or risk drawing inferences + judge may remind him of duty. S35 direction only appropriate where C has personal knowledge. Legal rep had burden of explaining option to testify + consequences failing.
Procedure for D’s silence?
Court MUST make D aware he can give evid + consequences @ PTPH – MANDATORY even if D absconded, Judge MUST make direction. Counsel should record decision of D + sign it + indicate made voluntarily.
Proper’ inferences of guilt under s35:
under s35, proper inferences come as a result of failure of D to give evid or refusal without good cause. D whose “physical/mental condition make it undesirable” = excluded + whose guilt is not in issue.
What does:
D with physical or mental limitations
Where D’s condition = undesirable to give evid, no inference should be drawn.
Assumption that desirable for D to testify, so if can be said to be undesirable = will be rare.
S35(1)(b) requires D’s physical/mental condition to be such if giving evid = “significantly adverse effect on him”.
Is loss of memory a justification for s35 inferences of guilty?
Loss of memory = NOT justification for not testifying. Voir dire MAY be required, Judge under NO obligation to initiate procedure if def don’t seek. Adverse inference drawn under s35(3) = D “is guilty of offence charged”.
S35 doesn’t play until:
after pros evid, so presupposes case established against D. No conviction solely form s35, pros MUST establish a case before question of D testifying is raised. Judge MUST make clear -) jury must be convinced for existence of case before drawing adverse inference. For a judge to advise jury against drawing inference = requires “some evidential basis/exceptional factors” making it fair.
s35 Inference cannot be drawn unless
jury decide silence can “Only sensibly be attributed to D having no answer/ none that would stand up in cross-examination.
- NOT valid argument = D fears if testify pros will adduce bad chara.
- No inference where pros case = weak. No inference if pros case of = “little evidential value”.
If facts call for explanation or within D’s knowledge = strong inference.
s34 doesnt apply if:
- person questioning is not a police officer/authorised investigator
- questioning or accusation doesnt take place under caution
- accused does not rely on fact in his defence
- questioning did not concern whether or by whom an offence has been committed;
- failure to mention the fact now relief upon was not unreasonable
If s34 does not apply, the common law rules on inferences from silence may apply.
describe the statute
- where -
- person arrested by constable, and there is -
- on his person; or
- in or on his clothing or footwear
- otherwise in his possession
- in any place at time of arrest, any object, substance or marker, or mark on object;
- that or another constable… reasonably believes may be attributable to participation of offence; and
- constable informs him and requests him to account; and
- person fails or refuses to
- person arrested by constable, and there is -
For s36 what must the peson be told?
Suspect must have been told of reasons for suspicion and of the effect of failing to comply with this section.
The officer doesnt need to specifu the precise offence.
What is s37
Failure to account for presence at scene of crime
- Where -
- person arrested by constable at a place or about time of offence
- that or other contable reasonably beluieve presence may be attributatble to offence; and
- constable informs person and requests him to account
- person fails or refuses
For s34 when is the accused required to disclose facts of his defence?
- Upon being qestioned, but only if:
- cautioned; and
- he has not yet been charged with offence
- upon being charged, at which point he is cautioned again,
What is an important element for s34?
Inference may only be drawn if accused:
- relis on fact in his defence; and
- he did not mention fact when questione under caution or charged.