9) Judaism: Beliefs And Teachings Flashcards
What is the nature of god?
God as 1.
What does monotheistic mean?
A religion which believes that there is only 1 God.
What is the Shema?
Jewish prayer affirming belief in the 1 God, found in the Torah.
Which word do some Jews prefer not to write?
What do Jews use instead of God as a sign of respect?
What do Jews do to any book containing the Hebrew name of God when it is too old to be used?
It is kept in special place in synagogue before being properly buried in a Jewish cemetery.
What is the Torah?
1: The 5 books of Moses, which form 1st section of the Tenakh (Jewish Bible).
2: Jewish written law).
What is meant by ‘creator’?
1 who makes things + brings things about.
What is meant by an ‘Orthodox Jew’?
Jews who emphasise importance of following the laws + guidance in Torah; believe Torah was was given directly by God to Moses, so should be followed as closely as possible.
What is meant by an ‘Ultra-Orthodox Jew’?
Jews who are even more committed than Orthodox Jews to strictly follow the laws + guidance in the Torah.
What is ‘Shabbat’?
Jewish holy day of week; day of spiritual renewal starting shortly before sunset on Friday + continuing to sunset on Saturday.
What is meant by ‘omnipotent’?
Almighty, having unlimited power; a quality of God.
What is meant by ‘omniscient’?
Knowing everything; a quality of God.
What is meant by ‘omnipresent’?
Being everywhere at all times; a quality of God.
What do Jews believe that in order for God to have the ability and power to create the universe, it is essential that he has?
Characteristics that no other living being has.
What are these characteristics that Jews believe God has that no other living being has?
Omnipresent: being everywhere at all times.
Omniscient: all knowing.
Omnipotent: all powerful.
What do Jews believe that God is the creator of?
Everything, no concept in Judaism of evil having been created by the devil.
Why do Jews believe God created evil?
As God is the only creator, He must have created evil Himself. They believe that in order for people to have free will, they have to be able to make their own choices between good + bad.
What do Jews not seem to realise?
Humans created their own interpretation of good + evil which means that all good + evil are, are point of views.
What do some find it difficult to accept that God created?
The potential for evil- particularly when remembering events such as the Holocaust, when Jews faced extreme persecution- but considered to be necessary consequence of giving humans free will.
What do Jews believe that God provided sufficient amounts of to feed and provide for all species?
What are the ‘Ten Commandments’?
Ten laws given by God to Moses over 3000 years ago.
What is meant by ‘mitzvot’?
Jewish rules or commandments.
What are the ‘mitzvah’?
The singular version of mitzvot.
What is meant by ‘merciful’?
The quality of God that shows compassion or forgiveness to humans, even though he has the power to punish them.
What do Jews not seem to understand?
God is all knowing if he uses his ‘unlimited power’ to punish us he may regret it, or he may know that using it out of anger has the same effect as misusing it.
What is meant by ‘Shekhinah’?
The divine presence of God.
What is the ‘Temple’?
The centre of Jewish worship at the time of Jesus; the meeting place between God + the priest.
What did several of the prophets including Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel, make references to?
The presence of God in the temple.
“In the year that King Uzziah died, I beheld my Lord seated on a high and lofty throne; and the skirts of His robe filled the Temple. Seraphs stood in attendance on Him.”(Isaiah 6:1-2).
What is meant by ‘judgement’?
The belief that God judges a person based on their actions, + either rewards or punishes them as a result.
What is meant by ‘resurrection’?
Rising from the dead or returning to life.
What is meant by ‘rabbi’?
A Jewish religious leader + teacher.
What does the word ‘Messiah’ mean?
‘Anointed one’; a leader of the Jews who is expected to live on earth at some time in the future.
What was the word ‘Messiah’ originally used in the Tenakh to refer to?
The kings of Israel.
What is meant by the ‘Messianic age’?
Future time of global peace when everyone will want to become closer to God, possibly through the intervention of the Messiah.
Who is expected to be the Messiah?
A descendant of of Saul’s successor, King David.
During what will this expected Messiah rule the Jews?
During the ‘Messianic age.
What do Orthodox Jews believe that there is in every descendant?
That in every generation there is a descendant of King David who has the potential to be the Messiah.
What do Orthodox Jews believe will happen if the Jews are worthy of redemption, and there is a descendant of Kind David with the potential to be the Messiah?
This person will be directed by God to become the redeemer and will rule over all humanity with kindness + justice.
What do Orthodox Jews believe that the descendant of King David with the potential to be the Messiah will do?
Uphold the law of the Torah.
Will rule over all humanity with kindness + justice.
Will be ultimate teacher of the Torah.
Will usher in world peace + unite humanity as 1.
Will rebuild the temple in Jerusalem + gather all Jews back to land of Israel.
What is a ‘covenant’?
An agreement; in Judaism refers to agreement between individuals, often on behalf of Jews, + God.
What are the ‘Ten Commandments’?
Ten laws given by God to Moses over 3000 years ago.
What is meant by ‘justice’?
Bringing about what is right + fair, according to law, or making up for a wrong that has been committed.
What is meant by ‘healing the world’?
Being involved in God’s work to sustain the world; can involve work to increase social justice or to preserve the environment.
What is meant by ‘charity’?
1) Providing help + love to those in need.
2) Organisation that does not make a profit, whose main purpose is to help those in need.
What is meant by ‘kindness to others’?
Positive, caring actions that should be shown to all living things.
What is the ‘Talmud’?
Commentary by rabbis on the Torah- consists of Mishnah +Gemara together in 1 collection.