9. Interpret the electrocardiograms of the horse Flashcards
What is ECG?
When can we use ECG?
Rest and during natural work
Name the different waves in a ECG:
P wave
QRS complex
T wave
What is the P-wave?
Atrial depolarization.
The two atriums are contracting.
What is the QRS-complex?
Ventricular depolarization.
Ventricles of the heart are contracting
What is the T-wave?
Ventricular repolarisation.
Ventricles are relaxing
Where is then atrial repolarisation?
It takes place within the QRS complex, taking place after the P-wave.
Name segments and intervals of the ECG:
- PR-interval
- PR-segment
- QRS-segment
- ST-segment
- QT-interval
- P-wave
- Q-wave
- R-wave
- S-wave
- T-wave
Red = PR interval
Blue = PR segment
Green = QRS complex
Purple = ST segment
Pink = QT interval
What is this?
An ECG chart.
The small blue squares = 0.04 seconds.
So in a big square, there are 5 = 0.20 seconds
There are 6-steps to interpret an ECG:
- Identify and examine P wave
- Measure PR interval
- Measure QRS complex
- Identify rhythm
- Determine the heart rate
- Interpret strip
Identify and examine P wave:
Normal P wave = Present and upright.
PR interval
Beginning of P-wave to beginning of QRS-complex.
We count the small boxes between them and multiply with 0.04 seconds
QRS complex
From Q wave - S-wave
We count the squares between them and multiply with 0.04 seconds.