9) High Victorian Literature Flashcards
What did High Victorian Literature reflect?
complexities of society and the moralistic tendencies of the era, addressed moral issues and critique of societal norms
Which High Victorian Literature author was influenced by the Scottish Enlightenment?
Thomas Carlyle
Thomas Carlyle
The French Revolution
Elizabeth Gaskell
Mary Barton, North and South
Which High Victorian author was a priest and saw literature as a religious mission?
Charles Kingsley
Thomas Macaulay
The History of England
William Makepeace Thackeray
Punch, The Book of Snobs, Vanity Fair
What did Emily Bronte write?
novels and poetry
What is the name of the only novel written by Emily Bronte?
Wuthering Heights
Where did Emily Bronte grow up?
in the isolated Yorkshire moors
How many siblings did Emily Bronte have?
five - she was five of six children
Which novel follows the intertwined fates of two families: the Earnshaws and the Lintons?
Wuthering Heights
What is the setting of Wuthering Heights?
Yorkshire moors
Who is Heathcliff?
a foundling boy adopted by the owner of Wuthering Heights, falls in love with Catherine
What is the name of a debut novel written by Charlotte Bronte?
The Professor
Charlotte Bronte
The Professor, Jane Eyre, Shirley
What is the name of the place where Jane lives with Rochester?
Why didn’t Jane marry Rochester for the first time?
because he was already married, his wife was kept hidden due to her violent insanity
How does Jane Eyre end?
Jane and Rochester reunite and they marry, however, Rochester lost his sight and a hand while trying to save his ex-wife from a fire she caused; over the time, Rochester regains partial sight, allowing him to see their first child
What is the main topic of Charles Dickens’ works?
Charles Dickens
Oliver Twist, David Copperfield, A Tale of Two Cities, Great Expectations
Which Dickens’ novels is set during the French Revolution?
A Tale of Two Cities
Which of Dickens’ works was published in serialized form from 1860 to 1861?
Great Expectations
What is the name of the main character in Great Expectations?
With who did Pip fall in love?
What are the themes of Great Expectations?
ambition, social class, guilt, redemption, the true meaning of being a gentleman
George Elliot
Middlemarch, Mill on the Floss
Who was Alfred Lord Tennyson?
a poet, one of the leading figures of Victorian Literature
Alfred Lord Tennyson
In Memoriam, The Legends of Arthur, Ulysses, Charge of the Light Brigade
When was Charge of the Light Brigade written?
What is Charge of the Light Brigade about?
a historical event that occurred during the Battle of Balaclava in the Crimean War, a miscommunication among the British military commanders led to a disastrous cavalry charge against well-defended Russian positions in the valley of Balaclava
How long is Charge of the Light Brigade?
relatively short, 6 stanzas
Who were the Preraphaelites?
a brotherhood established in the half of the 19th century, reform of the art, rejection of “mechanistic approach”, they sought to return to the rich detail, intense colors and complex compositions
Name the most important members of the Preraphaelit movement
Dante Gabriel Rossetti, J. E. Millais, W. H. Hunt
What is the name of the Preraphaelit journal?
The Germ
Which poet was interested in paganism, attacked Christian morality, and in his work Poem and Ballad criticized Christian narrowness?
Algernon Charles Swinburne
Christina Rossetti
Goblin Market, In an Artist’s Studio
What is In an Artist’s Studio and when was it written?
it is a sonnet written in 1856
What is the structure of In an Artist’s Studio?
traditional sonnet form, 14 lines, consistent rhyme scheme ABBA ABBA CDCDCD