1) The Beginnings of British Literature Flashcards
Into which two periods is often divided medieval English literature?
Old English Literature, Middle English Literature
Division of Old English literature:
- Northumbria at the age of Bede, 2. The Programme of King Alfred the Great, 3. The Benedictine Revival of the late 10th century
Division of Middle English literature:
- Early period/Anglo-Norman literature, 2. Late period or Middle English Literature as such
What were the origins Anglo-Saxon literature like?
oral tradition, they were illiterate, nothing was written down until the conversion to Christianity, focuses primarily on legendary or historical figures who lived before the Anglo-Saxon period
Who was “scop”?
a poet, expected to perform verses at celebratory gatherings in the royal, lordly and even monastic halls, based on essentially oral tradition
What are “kennings”?
metaphorical expressions for frequently used words, e.g. storm of swords is a kenning for battle
Name two important works from the phase of Northumbria of the age of Bede
The Dream of the Rood, Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum
Who established English as a literary language?
Alfred the Great
What is the first truly great work of English literature and when was it written?
Beowulf, 800-1000
What is the name of the Danish king in Beowulf and the monster?
Hrothgar, Grendel
What happens to Beowulf at the end?
he dies
Name two OE heroic elegies
The Seafarer, The Wanderer
Name two OE love elegies
The Husband’s Message, The Wife’s Complaint
What happened to English literature after the Norman conquest?
English was displaced as the medium of literature, and even after its full parity with french there was no standard literary English
Who wrote “lais” and what is it?
Marie de France, it is lyrical, narrative poems in verse dealing with knightly adventures and love escapades
Name some medieval genres
chansons de geste, chivalric romances, exempla and fabliaux, fables, ballads, chronicles
Which works belong to the Matter of Britain?
Historia Regum Brittainae, Wace: Roman de Bruts, Germanic legends- King Horn, The Tale of Gamelyn, History of Holy Grail
The most important material of Matter of Britain is related to _____________
the legendary figure of King Arthur
What are fables?
animal stories (The Fox and the Wolf)
Name some critical chronicles
The Evil Times of Edward II, Land of Cockayne
Piers Plowman
The Vision of Wiliam Concerning Piers Plowman
John Gower
Confessio Amantis
What is “Pearl”?
unconventional allegory using the motifs from the Apocalypse, lament of a father over the death of his young daughter
What is the best chivalric romance written in the English language?
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
The Vision of William Concerning Piers Plowman is an ________________ and deals with the problem of ___________________
allegorical poem, salvation in a corrupt world
Who is the greatest English poet of the Middle Ages and the father of the English language?
Geoffrey Chaucer
Geoffrey Chaucer
Canterbury Tales, The Book of the Duchess, The House of Flame, The Parlament of Fowels
Name some of the tales from Canterbury Tales
The Knight’s Tale, The Miller’s Tale, The Wife of Bath’s Tale, The Pardoner’s Tale
What is the first great work of English prose fiction and who wrote it?
Le Morte D’Arthur, T. Malory
Which authors belong to the English reformation and humanism?
Desiderius Erasmus, Sir Thomas More
Desiderius Erasmus
Praise of Folly
Sir Thomas More
Who translated the New Testament into English?
William Tyndale