4) Restoration poetry and drama Flashcards
Name poetic and dramatic works by John Milton
L’Allegro, Comus, Arcades, Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained
Name political, religious and philosophical work of John Milton
Of Education, Of Reformation, Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce, Of True Religion, History of Britain, De Doctrina Christiana
John Milton is a key figure in English literature of which century?
Name two masques written by John Milton composed for noble patrons
Arcades, Comus
Name a pastoral elegy written by John Milton
What is Paradise Lost?
an epic poem about the Biblical story of Adam and Eve and their fall from fall grace
Name poets from the period of the Restoration
John Dryden, Samuel Buttler, John Wilmot, Sir Charles Sedley
What is the typical form of restoration satires?
heroic couplet, but lower forms of verse, e.g. the doggerel
John Dryden - non-dramatic works
Mac Flecknoe, The Hind and the Panther, A Song for St.Cecilia’s Day, Alexander’s Feast, Heroic Stanzas
Samuel Buttler
In which verse is Hudibras written?
in doggerel
Name authors of the Restoration Drama - heroic drama
John Dryden, Nathanial Lee, William Davenant
John Dryden - drama
The Conquest of Granada by the Spaniards, All for Love
William Davenant
The Siege of Rhodes, The Cruelty of Spaniards in Peru
Nathaniel Lee
The Tragedy of Nero, Death of Alexander the Great
Major playwrights of the Restoration comedy
William Congreve, William Wycherly
William Congreve
The Old Bachelor, The Double Dealer, Love for Love, The Way of the World
William Wycherly
Love in Wood, The Country Wife
Aphra Benn
Oroonoko, or The Royal Slave