2) Elizabethan Poetry and Drama Flashcards
What was the main purpouse of religious vernacular drama?
to reach the commoners
Name main three types of religious vernacular drama
mystery plays, miracle plays, morality plays
John Lyly
Euphues, or The Anatomy of Wit
Which authors were known as the “university wits”?
John Lyly, George Peele, Robert Greene
George Peele
The Old Wives’ Tale
Robert Greene
The Honourouble History of Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay, Pandosto: The Triumph of Time
What is the first English poetry anthology called?
Songs and Sonnets
Who is credited for having created the English sonnet?
Sir Thomas Wyatt
What does the English sonnet look like?
contains 3 quatrians and a concluding couplet, Shakespeare used it
Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey
Aeneid II and IV (the first to use blank verse)
Sir Philip Sidney
Astrophil and Stella (sonnets), Arcadia (prose)
Edmund Spenser
Shepheardes Calendar, Amoretti, The Fairie Queene
Christopher Marlowe
Hero and Leander, The Passionate Shephard to His Love
Name Christopher Marlowe’s plays:
Dido, Queen of Cathage, Tamburlaine the Great, The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus
Sir Walter Ralegh
The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd, The History of the World (prose)
Name some Elizabethan playhouses
The Theatre, The Rose, The Swan, The Globe, The Fortune, The Red Bull
Thomas Kid
The Spanish Tragedy; or Hieronimo is Mad Again
Ben Johnson
Every Man In His Humour; Every Man Out of His Humour; Volpone, or The Fox; The Alchemist; Barthelemew’s Fair
Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher
The Knight of the Burning Pestle, Philaster, A King and No King
On which two Shakespeare’s play did John Fletcher colaborate?
Two Noble Kinsmen, Henry VIII
John Webster
The White Devil, The Duchess of Malfi
John Ford
The Broken Heart, ’Tis Pity She’s a Whore
Philip Massinger
The City Madam, A New Way to Pay Old Debts
Thomas Middleton
The Changelling