5) The Rise of the Novel Flashcards
Thomas Hobbes
John Locke
The Reasonableness of Christianity, Essay Concerning Human Understanding, Two Treatises of Government
In which of John Locke’s work can we find the “human mind at birth is a white paper” thought?
Essay Concerning Human Understanding
Who was the most important women writer of the 17th century?
Aphra Behn
Aphra Behn
Oroonoko, or the Royal Slave
Why did Aphra Behn started to write?
because of the early death of her Dutch husband
Who is Oroonoko?
an African prince (likely present-day Ghana)
When was Oroonoko published?
What is the name of Oroonoko’s love?
In which country does Oroonoko end up as a slave?
in Suriname
What are the slave names of Oroonoko and Imoinda?
Caesar and Clemene
How does Oroonoko end?
Oroonoko kills Imoinda to spare her and their unborn child from further suffering, he is then executed
Periodization of Age of Reason
17th and 18th century
What is the change of literary heroes in the Rise of the Novel?
ordinary people, you can identify with them
What were coffee houses?
spread all over the country, different from pubs, alcohol was prohibited, women not allowed, you talked with people about what happened in the world, opened to all social classes
Why was most society of the 18th century illiterate?
because literacy was necessary only for middle-class occupations like administration
Name some of the limits on readerships in the 18th century
high cost of books, long working hours, little privacy, light, gin cheaper than books
journal Tatler
by Richard Steele
journal Spectator
by Addison and Steele
Gentleman’s Magazine
Edward Cave
What were the predecessors of novels?
romances, journalistic stories
Daniel Defoe
Robinson Crusoe, Moll Flanders, The Journal of Plague Year, The True-Born Englishman, The Shortest Way with the Dissenters
When was Moll Flanders first published?
When was Moll Flanders born?
in Newgate Prison
How many husbands in total did Moll Flanders have?
How does Moll Flanders end?
she reunites with her final husband in prison, and eventually they rebuild their lives in America
Which two books did Alexander Pope translate?
The Illiad of Homer, The Odyssey of Homer
Oliver Goldsmith
Vicar of Wakefield
Samuel Richardson
Pamela, Clarissa
Name some of the female authors of romances
Eliza Heywood, Sarah Fielding, Charlotte Lennox