9 - cooking & $$$ tissue Flashcards
large mind =
smaller stomach
stable isotopes in soil
paleosalts (stable isotopes in soil) allow us to deduce
older enviros and therefore diets Therefore ENVIRO LEADS EVO (Lamarck)
Carbon-Nitrogen isotope studies in Nea bones reveals
Nea trophic levels?
Cave Bears (tho fermented mushrooms give same readings)
Macronutrients =
carbs, fats, proteins
fatty acid digestion most common …
in Inuit
Woodrats can eat bush. Other rodents can’t. So …
they put its gut microbiome in others. And it worked. Inheritable.
Biffido Bacteria
milk doer thinger
Biffido Bacteria only 5 KYA therefore …
For 3 K years “we” fermented our dairy
Prime ____ and prime ___
prime movers / prime releasers (eg., thermoregulation and survival of mammals)
Human BMR is ___________ other primates
highest of
total dailry energy expenditure (multiple of BMR)