9 - Assessing Probability of Failure Flashcards
Introduction to Probability Analysis:
The probability analysis in an RBI program is performed to estimate the probability of a specific adverse consequence resulting from ,,,,,that occurs due to damage mechanism(s)
a loss of containment
Introduction to Probability Analysis:
,,,,,,,analysis should be credible, repeatable, and documented.
Units of Measure in the POF Analysis:
POF is typically expressed in terms of ,,,,
Units of Measure in the POF Analysis:
Frequency is expressed as a ,,,,,, occurring during a specific timeframe
number of events
Units of Measure in the POF Analysis:
For probability analysis, the timeframe is typically expressed as a ,,,,, and the frequency is expressed as ,,,,
fixed interval (e.g. one year) events per interval (e.g. 0.0002 failures per year).
Units of Measure in the POF Analysis:
The timeframe may also be expressed as ,,,,,, and the frequency would be ,,,,,
an occasion (e.g. one run length) events per occasion (e.g. 0.03 failures per run).
Units of Measure in the POF Analysis:
For a qualitative analysis, the POF may be categorized as ,,,,
high, medium, and low, or one through five
Units of Measure in the POF Analysis:
Three Levels of POF,,,,,
Low ( < 0.0001 )
Medium ( 0.0001 to 0.001 )
High ( > 0.01 )
Units of Measure in the POF Analysis:
Six Levels of POF,,,,,
Remote ( < 0.00001 ) Very Low ( 0.00001 to 0.0001 ) Low ( 0.0001 to 0.001 ) Moderate ( 0.001 to 0.01 ) High ( 0.01 to 0.1 ) Very High ( > 0.1 )
Types of Probability Analysis:
Probability Analysis have been categorized as ,,,,,, or ,,,,
Types of Probability Analysis:
it should be recognized that “qualitative” and “quantitative” are the end points of a continuum rather than ,,,,
distinctive approaches
Types of Probability Analysis:
Most probability assessments use a ,,,,, of qualitative and quantitative approaches
Quantitative POF Analysis:
There are several approaches to a quantitative probability analysis. One example is to take a probabilistic approach where ,,,,,, or ,,,,,,are used to calculate a POF
specific failure data
expert solicitations
Quantitative POF Analysis:
probability may be expressed as a ,,,,,, rather than a single deterministic value.
distribution or range
Quantitative POF Analysis:
Another approach is used when inaccurate or insufficient failure data exists on the specific item of interest. In this case, ,,,, or ,,,,, data is used
general industry, company,
manufacturer failure
Determination of POF:
Regardless of whether a more qualitative or a quantitative analysis is used, the POF is determined by two main considerations, as follows
- Damage mechanisms and rates of the equipment item’s resulting from its operating environment (internal and external).
- Effectiveness of the inspection program to identify and monitor the damage mechanisms so that the equipment can be repaired or replaced prior to failure
Determine the Deterioration Susceptibility and Rate:
Combinations of process conditions and existing materials of construction for each equipment item shall be evaluated to identify ,,,,, and ,,,,,,damage mechanisms
Determine the Deterioration Susceptibility and Rate:
One method of determining these mechanisms and susceptibility is to group components that have the ,,,,,, and ,,,,
- same material of construction
- are exposed to the same internal and external environment
Determine the Deterioration Susceptibility and Rate:
Inspection results from one item in the group can be related to the ,,,,
other equipment in the group
Determine the Deterioration Susceptibility and Rate:
Susceptibility is often designated as ,,,,,, or ,,,, based on the environmental conditions and material of
construction combination
high, medium,
Determine the Deterioration Susceptibility and Rate:
Sources of deterioration rate information include,,,
a) published data and unpublished company data,
b) laboratory testing,
c) in situ testing and in-service monitoring,
d) experience with similar equipment,
e) previous inspection data
Determine the Deterioration Susceptibility and Rate:
The best information will come from ,,,,, where the conditions that led to the observed deterioration
rate could realistically be expected to occur in the equipment under consideration
operating experiences
Determine the Effectiveness of Past Inspections:
After the likely damage mechanisms have been identified, ,,,,, shall be evaluated to determine the effectiveness in finding the identified mechanisms
the inspections
Determine the Effectiveness of Past Inspections:
Reduction in uncertainty of the damage state of a component is a function of the effectiveness
of ,,,,
the inspection
Determine the Effectiveness of Past Inspections:
effectiveness of inspections is determined for each type of damage mechanism and is a function of the ,,,,, and the ,,,,,, (reference API 581 Part 2, Annex 2.C for
informative examples of inspection effectiveness)
type of technique used
extent of coverage